Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why do I have hot flushes?

I've been having hot flushes on and off for two years.I do not have pimples on my face so it's not rosacea. My face would suddenly turn bright red in even moderate weather. I'm 16 so it's not menopause and I doubt it's dehydration. I'm 5'4 and about 105 pounds. I exercise almost everyday so what it causing this? It only happens for a few minutes then it goes away.

Just curious if.....?

You can still get pregnant from that but the chances are quiet low. There is still always that slight chance of it happening though. I think you should take the clothes off and have him use a condom to be safer.

How do you open the rear door on a 1994 Chevy Astro Van?

I bought a used van real cheap only came with the ignition key does anyone know how to open the back cargo door?

Kingdom Hearts #1? stuck....?

well i'm with Ariel this time i went to see her father then went in Ariel's place where she keeps her stuff that evil lady said something and now idk where to go i traveled around but there was really nothing i could do. any help here would be nice?

Calorie burning question, I have a medical condition that limits my breathing so I was wondering if that?

honestly, ask you dr because you want to eat healthy and take in extra calories. but you don't want to add more stress than you already have. good luck :)

Whats the best way to introduce a new puppy to our 3 cats and successfully move them all into our new house?

My husband and I have three cats, Puma 6 yrs. (M), Gizmo 2 yrs. (F), and Charlie 9 mos. (F). We currently all live in a one bedroom apartment, but are now moving into a three bedroom house. This is our first issue, the second issue is that we are getting a Rottweiler/St. Bernard puppy, Penny (F) also. Now, we know that the puppy is fine with cats because she's been around them since birth. But our cats are another story, they've never been around a dog and I'm worried. What is the best way to introduce them without anyone getting hurt, and also bring them all together in the new house? Thank you!

I like my friend's ex boyfriend, what do I do?

I really think you need to ask your friend if she minds because it is just the right thing to do and maybe if you are scared you it is because it is the wrong thing,, Please beware i was in the same situation with my friend BUT i did ask her if i could date her ex and she said that was fine so i did I am now married to him BUT we did not talk for over 7 years. It will hurt her especially if she still likes him.. so if you are willing to maybe lose a friend for a guy well you must really like him and if you do don't let anyone get in your way like i said it worked for me i now have 2 gorjuzz children to the man i love and he was my friends ex just be sure you are willing to make that sacrifice.. and as for your ex if you are not with him it is none of his Business hope i helped hunni ♥♥♥

Is it True Randy Moss said he'd retire if he was traded somewhere besides New England?

I believe Randy Moss said if he is traded anywhere besides New England he said he'd retire. Brett Favre was interested in bringing him to the packers last offseason to compliment Jennings and Driver. He pushed his teams owner and coaches to bring him in and Randy Moss said he'd retire if he was sent there. Is this True? If so, I hope Greenbay kills New England in the Superbowl if that is how the scenario plays out

Any suggestions for a discouraged 40's something mom to lose 15 lbs?

I gained 10/15 lbs last Nov. and can't shake it. Is this the dreaded middle age spread? Is this the same thing as pre-menopause weight gain? If not, what's the difference and will it go away? How long will it take to lose if I do weights 3 x's per wk and ride stationary bike 3 x's per week, both 30 minutes each?

Dog is destroying my sod! Help!?

I have a 19 week old std poodle. In the past 3-4 weeks she has started pulling up sheets of sod in my back yard. It becomes a game with her, when I start freaking out she wants to run with a piece then run up and steal another piece from my feet. It's almost as if it's an obsession with her, she has several spots that she seems to alway head to. I've tried a dust thats supposed to deter animals from digging in yards and gardens. It worked for about a day, then she was right back at it. I will not be aggressive (hit) my dog as I believe all dogs derive their energy from us. Any suggestions (or causes) that you can offer to help stop this would be greatly appreciated. I do not have another $3000 to replace the yard again.

I need help choosing a dog name?

i like shadow, alpha, and eclipse. you should also consider Storm and Autumn =) I don't really like Drew and Max since they are common name. hope i helped :)

Is Curtis James Jackson (50 cent) still alive? I heard a lotta people say that he is dead, but then on the?

oher hand i hear people say he is not dead and i see interview's of him and so on. I also heard that 50 cent's mom let some guy use 50 cent's voice to realese new album's and the money they get from the album's goes to his home? Is 50 cent really dead or no?

Need more facts?

I have been fighting for custody of my daughter for almost two years now. I lost custody of my daughter August 11, 2006. At that particular time, I had been working steadily for two years. I had lost my job due to a corporate takeover earlier that year. Shortly after that, I found another job. It was while I was working this second job that I lost custody of my daughter. The judge said, "you changed jobs too many times for me." When the case was transferred to the county I live in, the judge dismissed that ruling and left my daughter where she is because, "she had been their for six months now." They filed their new case under that primise. I believe this to be wrong. No one should be able to gain standing from an erroneous ruling like that. In the last hearing we had, the judge said that I was not spending enough time with my daughter. I had exercised every visitation the court set up. Grandma would not show up and said, "it was a misunderstanding when we were supposed to meet."

What Phone should I Get?

That my problem too. I have tmobile and i love all the at&t phones. I think the Blackjack is the best one!

Is pride a natural productive force of raw energy integral to reaching our creative potential?

I kept a diary too, though can't explain most of it, cause I've changed so much, and I'm much older. 10 years was a big deal of change. I'm a little pissed off that everyone has read them. Even so, it's not a big deal, I'm still me. I don't have pride like arrogance I've noticed in a lot of people who possess it. I keep to myself in such matters, but I do believe in creative energy maybe.Everyone has that.

Crock pot cooking question?

If you are cooking a 3 lb chuck roast in the crock pot, it says to cook it for about 8 hours. My question is, when do I add the vegetables. I don't want the potatoes and carrots mushy, so I don't think I should put them in at the beginning. Anybody got any ideas??

Why dont we teach a taurus at young age to be a good person and to try and prevent world hunger blah blah blah

Because I really don't think horoscopes are accurate at all...are you exactly the same as everyone that has a close birthday to you?? I don't honestly believe so, we were all made different for a reason.

Does this sound like swine flu?

So my sister has it and now i'm starting to feel sick. I have a 100.7 fever, I look a little pale, i have a cough and stuffy nose and i'm feeling cold when its freaking hot in my house! I am also very tired. Could this be swine flu? remember my sister has it too.

Where can i find Monday May 19 2008 episode of House?

A 19-year-old college student goes to the hospital after coughing up blood during karate cl; House takes a special interest in an attractive nutritionist (Piper Perabo), who accompanied her boyfriend to the clinic. Guest Starring: Lyndsy Fonseca, Tony Spiridakis, Eve Gordon, Piper Perabo, Tracy Howe, Shonda Farr, Bayani Ison, Wayne Sable, Kwabena Darkwah, Bobbin Bergstrom

Should i get the playstation 3 game haze ?????

My advice to you is try before you buy!! I learnt the hard way with games, buying them and finding them less than what I thought. I have also seen a few second hand copies already on the shelves in shops so definetely try it first, if you like it, then buy it

Iwant to get married and he don't what should i do?

Me and my daughter father has been best friends since 10th grade. We just starting going out 2 years ago. we just had a baby 3 months ago. I feel like we know everything about each other we have a child together we live together. We shoul do the next big thing and get married. DO YOU AGREE?

DNA replication, transcription, translation, and protein synthesis?

In the nucleus of a cell, DNA is held. When protein synthesis takes place, the DNA unzips between the nitrogen bases and messenger RNA makes a copy of it and goes out into the cytoplasm and attaches to a ribosome. Then, transfer RNA, which has an amino acid on the top of it and a code on the bottom, pairs with the mRNA that has the base it normally pairs with (C w/ G A w/ U). This lines the amino acids up in the way they're supposed to go for that specific protein. Hope this helps!

Need advice quick. PLEASE answer.?

I would say it's very likely. It will be a lovely foal i'm sure. Not all mares are grumpy when they have a foal, and they should be resting for a few months anyway. 1 that was born at our old yard used to trot along behind her mum while she was ridden. If money is a worry you could always keep the foal and put it on loan.

What do you think of theseeee?

I do like your naames. I'd picture eah with more of a name like Isadora (Iz) or Carmen, but thats just to me. I think maybe its too feminine for her, and or unique enough? Everything else looks great. You probably will need a love intrest for C!

Could it be that on May 21st Jesus Christ will have the last laugh?

What I want to know is what is going to happen on May 22 to all the crazy people who left their jobs and have been traveling the country "sharing the news" that the world is going to end. Seriously, do they wake up the next day and go on with their lives? Do they go back home and state "ummm, my bad, thought the world was going to end, can I get my job back?"

Do you like these names? HELP!?

I love all of them except rita, (my mom is a hair dresser and has a judgmental old lady customer named rita!) charlotte is my fave if girl :)

Why is it that after Jesus rose from the dead, Mary Magdalene wasn't allowed to touch him but?

it was ok for Thomas to feel his wounds, even though he clearly stated to Mary that "I have not yet ascended to the Father?"

Can Someone Tell Me, How I Dump Her?

I recently told this girl i want to go to 3rd base with her. today we made out a bunch and stuff. I always planned on having our little fun at 3rd base and quitting there. She texts me like 5 times a day wanting to be more serious and stuff like that. Also if anyone finds out about this my life is over, she's thought of as ugly and stuff I'm hooking up with her purely out of my desperation(ill admit it) and i want it to end. After 3rd, how do I end it with her and like make her not want to be all buddy-buddy with me? Please give me a helpful answer, instead of telling me how what im doing is wrong, cuz i dnt giv a ****.

Can anyone help me with Sherlock Holmes, A Study in Scarlet?

In which way does the character of Sherlock Holmes presented in A Study in Scarlet ? I really cant get my head around it ! Any help apreciated.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

For Christians who believe that Obama is the Antichrist...?

well i had my thoughts i think it is the pope or him because the anti christ will come in the name of peace and focus on Israel

FIFA World Cup 2010 Qualifying match between Paraguay vs Colombia Live stream?

Enjoy FIFA World Cup 2010 Qualifying match between Paraguay vs Colombia Live stream on your PC via online TV channel. Here the TV Link to watch Live stream of the match in 100% high quality. Just click the TV Link and keep enjoying the match

Islam is peaceful, whether you say it or not?

Words and actions are two different things. Understand? This leads to bigotry in both Islam and Christianity.

How much is Reese's, Kit Kat, and Hershey's sold individually at any supermarket?

thanks! srry i put it in the game section because if i put it some where else i wont get an answer for alteast 3 days.

How do Catholics reconcile Holy days of obligation with Col 2:13-17?

You are failing to see "the bigger picture" in "PaulCyp"'s answer in your parroting Biblical verses to attack Roman Catholicism. Calm down and reread "PaulCyp" 's answer, and realize the historical authenticity of what he says. How can you say "I do not wish to offend Catholics" when your entire question denies the reality of the origin of the Bible being in the hands of the Roman Catholic Church, as "PaulCyp" so clearly points out. As he said, how can the Roman Catholic Church be in "contradiction to Col 2" when it's the Roman Catholic Church that established the Bible and made it "official" in the world back in the late 4th century in Carthage, North Africa? God Bless you.

Turn that financial frown upside down . . .?

Everyone is effected in a global recession. This just means that the more countries involved, the longer this will take to shake. The countries effected include our friends as well as our foes. This thing is going to be around a while and that's bad.

Should I trade Brandon Marshall for Matt Ryan?

I have Schaub as my primary QB right now, Orton on the bench. I like Ryan, but I don't want to give up Marshall if he explodes for 13 TDs after being traded or something. I already have Fitzgerald and Smith (Went heavy after WRs) They will fill the 2 WR spots and I have 1 RB spot and another RB/WR flex spot that Marshall could play in, I have Julius Jones, Pierre Thomas, Run DMC to fill the flex spot in most cases. I will definitely dump Orton if I make the trade though.

Am i being unreasonable?

he just sounds like an uncaring man. there are lots of other men who would be far more affectionate towards you and love you whether you have cleaned your teeth yet or not. his treatment will take away your confidence gradually. its not your job to work out all his past problems either. good luck!

I cant finish installing roller coaster tycoon please help? their is an error!?

more than likely you have a compatibility problem. read the system requirements on the back of the cd case or look them up online and compare them to your computer. if you are lacking in any areas youll have to either upgrade your computer or play a different game. sorry

Did James Herriot(Alfred Wight)'s children ever marry? I read in his books about a granddaughter.?

This page shows his daughter as Rosemary Page, and grand-daughter as Emma Page - implying that the daughter most likely married.

I want the Cowboys to not go to the playoffs.?

I'm with you on not wanting the Cowboys in.. in my opinion they fall into that category of Bandwagon team that tries every year to add this free agent or that one who's high profile and throw the $ around to try to buy a championship.. fact is I'd rather have a team that shows what teamwork is all about playing in the Playoffs.. give me a Falcons team (what a story) or a Dolphins team (best turnaround in history) or the Titans or the Steelers (both of these play good "team" football) or even the Giants or Indy.. but teams like San Diego, Detroit, and Dallas who manage to stockpile talent (detroit through draft picks) and yet squander it in my opinion get what they asked for

How can I be less annoyed and snappy at my mom?!?

First and formost you need to rememebr that she is your mom so respect her. you dont always have to agree with her but respect her. I think only YOU know why you are so upset with her. Once you figure it out then you might want to talk to your mom. If you BOTH dont cmmunicate with eachother you will grow farther apart from eachother. That goes for ANY relationship. Communication is key. I wish you luck. Take Care.

Rank presidents from 1900 from best to worse?

Your list is not at all inspirational! And I'm too tired to argue the matter. Try including Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower as two of the best.

When you eat candy/sweets before bed, do you dream of a loved one dying?

Hi, after I read the article about nightmares after eating candy yesterday, I had an experiment. I ate a Pop-tart at 10 PM and went to bed. At 5:45 AM (when I woke up) I had a nightmare about my twin sister getting hit by a car. (The night before that I had chocolate and dreamed my twin got murdered by Larry King). Are dreams about loved ones being attacked or murdered connected to the candy nightmare experiment?

How to get back at a so called friend who hit on my boyfriend?

I had a so called friend on a social networking site who hit on my fella despite knowing I am 5 months pregnant with his child. I would love to get back at her for her betrayal. Any good ideas?


For the past 3 days, I've had a cramp like pain in the lower part of my ankle when i put weight on's so painful, i have to limp a lot or stop and rest it....Please help, wanna find out what it is tonight!!!!!!!!!

Anti Semetic vs an anti Israeli government statement what is the difference - Is there a differece ?

This is a very difficult question. The establishment of Israel as a home for the Jewish people is not necessarily supported by all Jews. I myself am a Jew, yet conflicted by some of the policies implanted by the government in Israel. I believe that, while Israel should remain a sort of shelter in the world for the Jews, it should at the same time be open to anyone willing to live peacefully there. Jerusalem is so sacred to so many groups of people, each with their own "evidence" stating that it belongs to them- why should only one group of people have access to this land? We clearly all share a common interest, why not celebrate it as opposed to fighting it? However, my ideas aren't realistic now that such hatred between the conflicting groups has been established. These are just my thoughts on the subject. Therefore, I'd have to say that being against Zionism is not anti-semetic when the context is right: that is, you are against Zionism for reasons other than that it helps to support the Jews.

Motorcyle Guru's and Genious's?

I want to get a motorcyle so bad but my parents wont let me cause I live in a rainy state, so I was wondering if the Triumph Bonneville could be used off road and On-road? I'm a girl so i like the vintage one's and not the crotch-rocket kind of bikes.

Why would a cat's fur suddenly become matted?

Our cat, Sadie, age 8, has long fur, and up until the past year has NEVER had one tangle. She is pretty much an indoor cat, but does go out for an hour or so several times per week. Now she has an entire body full of matted fur ! Any ideas as to what would cause this ? How to prevent ? How to get these mats out ...they are almost matted to her skin !

Google & Co search for "Roy Jenzen" results in "Roy Jensen"?

This is ridiculous. Why can't Google and Yahoo differentiate betwenn "z" and "s" when I'm searching for "Roy Jenzen". Bing does the job much better. Who knows, how to refine a search term like this and to filter out the "s-results"?

How do I create an LLC to earn credit and borrow money, without using my current credit?

Open a few credit lines that require serious ets (that can be easily proven) pay them back quickly and then apply for new cards in your new company's name.

How much should I sell my 1997 Acura Integra for?

It is a silver 1997 Acura Integra 4-door fully loaded with power everything, leather seats, alloy wheels, rear spoiler, wood dash and in excellent condition with 125,000 miles.

Wedding Music?

The perfect song might be one you've never heard before and would be timeless, so the years you're seeking will limit that because music has progressively got worse..... I say listen to a clic rock or oldies station to hear what you're missing. I have a few R&B songs that fit that role, nothing in rock or pop for ya. Ex: Straight From The Heart/Confunkshun, Heaven Can Wait/Michael Jackson,LOVE/Musiq Soulchild, etc... Listening to the lyrics, you might find these songs say what you feel

Can the heat win the championship this season without shaq?

they do have a very good team but I honestly don't think this year is the year. Not only do they have to go through the Pistons, Cavs, and Wizard but the defending champs and best defensive team in the league.......the Boston Celtics. I mean they got a lot of compition. And by some miracle they get past that (which won't happen) they will have to get past one of the west elite teams!!! So no its not this year, maybe sometime in the future though

Why are we concerned about Huckabee and Romney's faith, but not Hillary or Barack's?

Hillary is a Methodist, and Barack is United Church of Christ. Do those churches teach creationism? Do those churches teach about God and prayer? Have Hillary or Barack ever communicated with an invisible being? Have they felt led? How will their faith influence their governance?

What were the cheetah girls thinking when they got dressed?

Wow, did they just tie the bedsheets around them or what!? Sabrina looked like a mini Dolly Parton with her coming out all over the place!

New easy go to recipes?

I know how to make the basic meals like pastas, burgers, grilled chicken. I find that everyone has there go to easy meals but everyones are different, so what I think sounds different is someone elses boring normal meals. I was just wanting to know other peoples go to meals during the busy week. Thanks. I have got some great crock pot recipes so feel free to leave some more of those as well.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Anyone want to help me describe these aphorisms?

4. I like number four. It means people without internal motivation tuned to their own direction will choose any direction the flow is in. Nice one :)

My Facebook hasnt updated?

Okay so everyone elses has i dont even have the thing when you just press enter to post a comment instead of clicking share. why is mine taking so long!?

Am I overwieght or not ?

I'm 15 years old, 5"3 and weigh 70 kgs. Is this overweight ? If so, how much weight do I need to lose ? I get called fat a lot but a lot of other people say I'm just average. Please help

What is your definition of a "green" rider or horse person?

It seems everyone has different views on things that seem to be universal. My friend had a couple two year old colts, and a yearling throughbred (who wasn't weaned at the time...!!??). My friend loves the horses, but has never ridden and doesn't like handling horses, although she has four. When her nine year old granddaughter comes over she lets her "train" the colts who have hardly even been halter started (unsupervised). The girl has ridden all her life, but has NO experience training (never mind the fact she is nine). I have told my friend that if she were my daughter, I would not allow her to "train" untouched two year olds because it's dangerous and she could do more harm than good. Her reasoning is that her granddaughter was not "green" and therefore it was entirely appropriate for her to be doing this. I was shocked that this was her reasoning. So my question is, what is your definition of a "green" rider or horse person?

Don't know song name?

it's about a woman that got mad at her husband so she left and went out into the beach and drowned. It also talks about when you go down by the beach you can see her footprints in the sand. If you know the song name please tell me

Why congress party is helping terrorists??? Why they are insulting Martyrs like M.C.Sharma?

Because the US government is possibly the most corrupt in the world. The only difference is here we get lied to all the time and in places like Russia they just tell it like it is. The US will be a dictatorship within the next 20 years its already heading that way. The US is always throwing stones at the way other people live their lives but this is the place with the most messed up way of life. Greed Greed and more Greed run this country.

What is the most encouraging thing i can watch or read to get me to talk to a girl?

are ther any films that will help me talk to girls im not shy its that i dont know how to approach or go about talking to girls in school :( it really saddens me i want girl friends i am a boy by the way not like relationship stuff just friends :( i really want a friend who is a girl ...

What statistics does the fed use?

In this situation, they are talking about inter-bank lending. The best measure of monitoring inter-bank lending is the LIBOR index, which measures loan rates between banks in London. Check it out! We have NEVER seen anything like this before.

Any thoughts on this short poem?

Yup, I have thoughts about the poem. Unfortunately, they are as confused as the poem is. Sorry................

Where did I go wrong with my daughter? She's .?

I'm going to have another baby before I hit the menopause and I want it to be raised better than the daughter I have already. I went wrong with her somewhere along the line and she turned out a . I tried my hardest but I must have done something wrong, how can I stop this happening again? I don't want another dissapointment for a child. I mean, I tried my hardest on her. I'm aiming this question more at other mothers, maybye with daughters/sons who think they're gay, but I would appreciate help from anyone really, thanks.

Little Mermaid or Disney Princesses?

My friend is 18 and wants to have a tea party for her half birthday just to do something different. she really likes the little mermaid and she was thinking of using that for the theme, but she wondered if she should instead use the general disney princesses theme even though ariel is her favorite because it sound more "tea-party friendly." which do you think would be better and why?

Should we vote directly for the president? No Electoral College? ?

God no! as we have seen from the election people don't vote based on issue . the vote if you have shiny hair. Th electoral college provides balance to the silly decisions popular vote can make. We directly vote the Senate and the hose of reps. I would think since the signing of the constitution but I maybe wrong. I would say the senate has more power than the president in the law making process just because they have longer terms. I also think that as far a law enforcement the supreme court has more power than the Pres. They are appointed for life and can really reshape the law based on the precedence they set

Review on tangled! Please!!! :D?

no seriously, Tangled is good. but... theres this movie at the theater called I AM NUMBER FOUR and it is so crazy awesome. you are probably like... um i dont want to go see that, but trust me its reallly good. i am 14 and went to go see it with my lil brother and thought i would hate it but Alex and Dianna won my heart... OMG! :) LOL, def go see that if you go see a movie

What kind of snowboard should i get? are these brands any good?

the best advice i can give you is to go out and go to your local shop its worth it to go and actually try the board instead of hoping that the one you order will be the right one and you can change you setup and try different setups at your shop.

Does anybody know where I could get a job online?

check out a href="" rel="nofollow" or a href="" rel="nofollow"

Love is there but so it despise - will it last? help?

break up, you sound immature for 29, it won't work, forget about marrriage. what is that a pic of a 15 y.o.?

When on the brink of death, why do nonbelievers believe that GOD & hell is real?

For people who think that hell is not real, why when death is knocking on the door, they believe not only there is a GOD of wrath but also lake of unquenchable fire?

McCain's staff is coaching Palin to prepare her for questions from the press and for the debates... ?

McCain's staff would have coached any VP pick for the debates. It is how the campaign is run - all campaigns.

Did Israeli Minister Ami Ayalon commit torture as head of Shin Bet?

Israeli Minister Ami Ayalon has been declared persona non grata in the Netherlands as a case filed against him proceeds. He is charged with using torture while head of Shin Bet; the action was filed in the Netherlands by a victim,Khalid Al-Shami. Is this appropriate or is there a jurisdictional question? And how do you feel about recurrent allegations of torture by Shin bet?

Yesterday's News Cat Litter for Rabbits?

I use yesterdays news cat litter for my bunnies. I have used it for a long time, and my rabbits are happy and healthy. I have only heard good things about it.

What is name of the novel that the "Candyman" film is based on?

I know its a Barker novel, but I can't seem to find it on Amazon or Was the name changed or something?

Anyone think this "Adophis" asteroid is going to do some damage when it gets here?

Maybe we should start looking for somewhere safe like bomb shelters,caverns,or something,if they don't vaporize it soon.I think maybe they should go rig the thing with all explosives they got NOW.They're getting pretty good with robotics.Let a robot do it maybe.I know we're in a "shooting gallery" according to "Discover" magazine,November 2007.I'll be about 75-85 years old when it's supposed to be here in 2029-2036. Maybe they better sharpen their "hi-intensity portable laser" skills before then to shoot the pieces with.

Why are so many people after mormons!?

What's up with rumors going around that mormons are forming a cult and they're making plans to take over the world..? WHAT THE HECK!?!? So many people are hatin on Mitt Romney just because he's a latter day saint. He'd have so many more people on his side if people didn't care about it. He has some really great things he wants to accomplish, and I really respect him for how he's been taking all this cruelty. Mormons are just like everyone else--the main things done different is swearing and drinking coffee/beer, staying morally clean, or taking drugs/smoking. Some people are like that anyway just because they want to stay clean and healthy. We're jsut like everyone else, and we don't deserve this!! Why don't people go crazy when someone is catholic and runs for pres?? sheesh I just would like to know what's so bad about being a mormon.

Royal rumble winners?

WWE wants too distance itself from Benoit because when you talk about all his accomplishments it is like your paying tribute to a murderer

Does anyone have the LG Voyager in Titanium? ?

i really want a new phone! and i have been looking into this phone. I need to stay with verizon and i love this phone. If you have it what are some good things that you like about it and what are some things that you don't like about the voyager? Thank you a bunch!!! ~Hilary!

Why do we ( Whites ) know more about Black history than most Blacks do?

I asked a Black kid about the Willie Lynch Theory and he says to me, "I know a little something about the big bang theory, not the Willie Lynch one, though.."... Interesting.. I'm looking at you, Black America..

What dose Constitutional Monarchy and a Parliamentary Government means?

i doing a project in on japan and i have no clue what these words mean, Please explain it as simply as possible.

What is the name of the Omega Psi Phi chant where they talk aboutall the fraternities in the NPHC?

There is no one chant. They have a lot of different chants where they talk about different NPHC fraternities, some positive and some negative. You may want to try google or even you tube to get what you are looking for. Good Luck!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

I will rephrase regarding no email since the 10th.?

For the person who suggested that perhaps I simply did not receive any email because their own account was fine, well I haven't received any spam or junk either, and blocker was turned off to check to see if my messages were going to bulk. I have also confirmed with several senders that they received either undeliverable or delayed error messages when sending me email. Has anyone heard when we can expect this problem to be resolved? I don't want to spend 30 dollars on tech support for a free web email account..what a crock. At least I'm not the only one..

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”?

I do like that quote and have heard it many times. It is painfully honest, generally speaking. However, I do also acknowledge that religions of any sort aren't usually the CAUSE of societal ills but rather an excuse to engage in behaviors that the immoral sorts would have engaged in regardless of the presence or lack thereof of religion. It's much easier to be a horrible person when you're "forgiven" or "doing god's work". That's why those of us in faiths that lack the concept of forgiveness tend to be a bit more careful and we never blame our faith for our actions. We take full responsibility for those actions in this life and the next, should we get one. As everyone should in our not always humble opinions.

Are guys pigs, or is it the other way around?

Ok, there is an inverse relationship between the stereotypes of a man being a pig, and a woman being innocent. Now we all know that a woman has her ways where she can use her flirt and uality to taunt and manipulate a man to get what she wants, be that as it may, doesn't that present a paradox?? Wouldn't that make alot of women in society pigs too? I admit, some men are just plain pigs, but can it be that women are no better?? I'm interested in seeing what all of you are going to say

What do you think of this?

Injustice is a village in a room. They can hear from outside the room the screams of d women. All screaming in their native tongues. Likewise the rapists cry injustice at the thieves that they must justly chastise, also in there native tongues. And the people in the room can only hear the cries of their language. And as such each cry out at the other’s inability to understand.

Has anybody ever gotten pregnant right after a miscarriage?

i had a miscarriage aug 1st started felling funny last friday went to my doc and IM PREGNANT!! =) she said it was 100 fine to try right after bleeding stopped but i am so scared ill have the same result :( has anbody gone through this... according to my doc i am 4 weeks preggo which means i got preggo within days of the miscrriage...

Dietary supplement and exercise?

im trying this new dietary supplement that avon has introduced. do u know if it works and can u please tell me the cheapest and easiest way to loose weigh i do not like to exercise i hate it can u please tell me what else can i do to loose weight with out that

I need some advice, i messed up bad?

im female and i have a girlfriend, and i love to please her ually day and night, i love to hear her ually. icant get enough of her in that matter so its all good, it turns me on for her to be a little controlling towards me, anyway she had a business trip and i went with her, i dont work , she doesnt want me too. anyway we had a fight one morning of the trip. and when she went to work , i went to the bar and just started drinking and this woman started flirting with me and one thing led to another but i did not go down on her, and i feel so bad because my woman is out making us money and look what i did,, i cant loose my woman, i am infatuated with her, i mean in love. and i cant tell her, that other woman did not mean a thing to me, i just had to much to drink and look what happened,, my girlfriend would never find out. but i dont want to take the chance of another big fight and loosing her, but i feel guilt, i love her so much, it was just the alcohol.. but would she understand that, i dont think so. what would you do iff you were her or me,, man i messed up

What graphics card can I upgrade my laptop to?

I have a Dell Latitude D620 and it has an Intel GMA 950. I would like to know what graphics card I can upgrade it to. Please tell me specificly which one.

Rate/fix my exodia deck?

its a good deck but personally i dont beleive in an exodia deck cause it seems impossible to get all 5 in your hand without one of them being destroyed by something like card destruction

Was he hitting on me or trying to befriend me?

He went Waaaaay out of his way to spend time with you. Extra time, in fact. He likes you. Just keep texting him back and expect a date to occur soon- otherwise set up a study date and see what happens.

Can my blackjack be fixed?

I have a BlackJack. Everything on the phone lights up and works, however my ons dont. I cant't push any on to help me navigate or to dial, so basically I can't use my phone at all.

Could you give me your opinion on my essay?

The essay was very good. There was lots of information and you thoroughly explained everything. It was interesting and not boring. Just a few little pointers would be to of course remember to indent your paragraphs using the tab key, and a nice conclusion sentence would be really effective. Other than that, congratulations! It was very well done... best of luck with the scholarship :-).

Is it common for a cat who is recovering from a UTI to continue leaking?

My family adopted a tom cat about 6 month's ago that we've known for appx. 2 years. I don't know how old he is or his health history. Recently we had to take him to a vet ER for severe dehydration, which we found out was caused by a UTI. We've been medicating him (twice daily) with amoxycillin. He seems to be doing better, but he'll urinate on bedding as well as the litterbox and he's ping light colored blood. Under normal cirstances will he improve? When we took him to the ER vet, he was lathargic and incontinent, and since we've worked hard to keep him hydrated. Also, is there anything someone might recommend to keep him from getting more UTI's (ie. home treatments, dietary changes)? I can't afford anymore $200 vet bills.

I like this guy.... help please :D <3?

You need to become tougher. He wants to have with you! He cannot get girls where he lives, so he goes online and finds young girls that dont know who he is. That is what I gather from what you have written here. be strong, your not an easy target are you???

Did the Knights Templar/ Free Masons, start this country?

As far as history records, the Free Masons were all that's left of the Knights Templar. George Washington, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Han, were all Free Masons. It is very likely the Free Masons helped form the United States.

What do you think of Shirley Phelps-Roper and the Westboro "Church"?

I was shocked and saddened coming across the podcast of Hot 99.5 in DC's interview regarding her group's newfound target in the death of Heath Ledger...especially when one pauses to consider that this hate-fueled, vitriol-spilling bigot of a woman decided to air her take on God's opinions just days after our nation celebrated a day of remembrance for one of our finest, Dr. Martin Luther King. A man who had every reason to hate (and yes, was a Christian- and a minister, as Ms. Roper also claims to be) and condemn an entire race for generations of hurt, shame, and bigotry chose instead to reach out to men and women of all races, creeds, and socioeconomic backgrounds to peacefully unite against ignorance, intolerance, and violence. I respect and support the first amendment which allows people like myself to air my views, and, unfortunately, people such as Phelps-Roper- but I stand firm in this ertion: whether you call yourself christian, buddhist, muslim, jew, or any other faith that c

Do u win anything if you get the Mega number while playing Super Lotto plus??

on the back of the ticket there should be a web address, go to it and check the game out that you wagered on, then it should outline payouts.

Why do i get my hot flashes back when i dont have my estrogen patches?

i ran out & havent had them for 3 days & getting them tomorrow, how come it gets out of my body with in few days? menopause.

Arabian Halter Cl?

Does anyone have any tips for how to show an arabian in halter cl? My granddaughter,12, is showing my mare in halter cl this weekend and wants some pointers. Thanks.

Physics- angle....please help!!!?

a projectile fired from a gun has initial horizontal & vertical components of velocity equal to 30m/s and 40 m/s, respectively. at whant angle is the projectile fired (w/ respect to the horizontal)?

Bedroom Redecorating Help?

I would suggest you to decorate your room with these nice square pillar candles. They stand on a gl candle holder and are beautifully decorated with coordinating accents.

Why do people have pets as lawn ornaments?

Because they are selfish and thoughtless, and have no respect for the feelings of other living things. Sad that this is not illegal, isn't it? Even more sad, is that they are raising their children to be the same way. You would do the older dog a favor by taking him to the local shelter, but I'm sure they would just bring home another one. If they forget to feed or water him, or leave him in poop, you can call the Humane Society.

?*? Question?*?

How does Juliet's refusal to bow to the pressures exerted by her parents and the nurse reinforce the idea that tragedy is the only outcome that can be expected form these circtances?

Why are most people so financially illiterate when they have a diploma?

Is it because the teachers themselves are ignorant? Is it because the cirriculum advisors are paid off by the financial institutions to keep people ignorant? Which is more important algebra or finance?

Oh my god! i am freaking the hell out! help! how do i kiss him?

ok well its totally natural 2 be scared when it comes 2 kissing ( i remember how i was ) but when it comes time 4 you guys 2 kiss again just remember this. first you need 2 relax...don't be all worried about where your hands are or how hes gona react 2 it, just breathe lol..then when you go in 4 the kiss, the rest will come natural. i knw you're thinkin its gota be more 2 it than that, but its actually not lol. you really shouldnt over think this..just stay calm and enjoy yourself while you guys are kissing! im sure everything will be fine. good luck:)

Oophorectomy leads to early menopause?

I had my right ovary removed 5 years ago, in my 20's and was told it wouldn't effect my chances of getting pregnant. Now I am in my early 30's and have been trying to conceive with no luck. My doctor ran some blood tests and he says I may be facing early menopause, although I am getting a regular period. He is giving me another test called chlomid challenge test to help determine my results. I'm freaked out because I think I am to young for menopause!!

Girls Should I Ask Her Out? (10 points)?

no - she is a game player - note - if a girl likes a guy she will let him know it. especially if she flirts wit u. if u r in doubt then that means she did not send a signal. this girl i think wud just use u cuz just by ur description she sounds like a user. and not very mature. try turning the tables and get a couple of girl "friends" that u could hang out with and b cool. don't act like u like her and see what she does (i wud luv to hear) yeah but don't waste ur time good luck

My friend is being kinda annoying?

Ok i seriously like this guy (we call him Lulu) and wenever he runs by us my friend (M&M) says "push to the left" and she pushes me to the left he he is on the left side or "push to the right" if hes on the right side and i tell her to shut up and i push her shoulder as a joke. Today our entire cl had to line up boy-girl and shes all like "look sayu its a spot reserved for u!" literally pointing to were he is. I tell her to shut up and i hide behind one of my friends like always. I tell her to stop cuz it gets annoying after like the 50 billionth time and she knows it annoys me and idk how to stop and she probably knows me better then she knows the back of her hand cuz we have been BFFS since kinder and wenever Mr Flo "saves me" by makin me move away from him shes all like "damn why does mr flo have to save everyone invisible tear." and i just seriously want her to stop and ive asked her hundreds of thousands of time but she just doesnt and it gets seriously annoying. Any advice?

I need help with a circular motion physics problem =(?

Circular motion is caused when an object experiences just the right amount of net force directed toward the center of the circle or curve. The acceleration of an object in uniform circular motion is always toward the center of the circle. The acceleration and the force causing it are called centripetal which means center-seeking. Centripetal force can be provided to a planet by gravity, to a car by friction of the wheels on the road, to a ball the the tension on a string. Since the direction of the velocity of the object is continuously changing toward the center of the circle, the object is said to experience centripetal acceleration, even if its speed is constant. (Searching for F = mv2 R ? See below

Sunday, August 14, 2011

For artists/sketchers, what sketch pencils and coloring pencils are the best?

Well I'm not familiar with the pencils you listed, but I would recommend Faber Castell sketch pencils, their similar to the Reeves sketch pencils you listed but better quality

What do you think of these girls names?

IF i had to absolutly pick from that group of names, the best would be Vivian bc it sounds cool and it fun to ssay but all the others are pretty odd.

Gory movies! ?

What is the goriest movie you have ever seen? some of them for me would be Saw (1,2,3,4 and probably 5 I haven't seen it yet) Texas Chainsaw Macre: The Beginning, The Hills Have Eyes 2, and Hostel (1,2) :D

I recreated the conditions of the primordial soup. Do you think life will form?

Are you able to wait 500 billion years and expose the primordial soup to the same atmosphere and geological changes that occured over those 500 billion years? Also, we can not be certian exactly what was in the soup, or even if there was a soup. It is a theory, or best educated guess. Unlike religion, science accepts it can be wrong and will change if there is enough physical proof and empirical fact to back up the claim.

Health Insurance Ques?

You can get a temporary health insurance plan through just about any insurance company. they last 6 to 18 months. You can get different deductibles and coverages depending on the money you want to spend.

How do you figure out the randomness of a game?

like how do you use algorithms and stuff to figure out whats gonna happen next in simmulated randomness, I said simmulated randomness human randomness, I got an answer about statistics last time I asked, that was not what I wanted, if you want to see what the other person said go to my profile and look at the question with the same name

Why don't millionaire leftys start their own radio stations and put this Fairness Doctrine nonsense to rest?

Since lefty talk radio is a winner and the only reason it hasn't succeeded is because of evil white man forces, why don't one or more of the wealthy leftys (Soros, Geffen, Simon, take your pick) apply for and recieve a license to start their own lefty radio network? Can't see how the FCC would object to their licenses (the fairness thing) and since it's a sure fire moneymaker of course those leftys would love the huge profits.

Why exactly is there this double standard in politics?

I remember after the Tucson shooting, Obama started calling for an 'age of civility' and 'toning down all the language.' Since then, Republicans have been compared to Hitler, Democratic congressmen declare on the floor that Republicans want to kill old people and minorities, those 'evil cross hairs Palin put over congressmen' have re-appeared over Republican governors, democrats have said Clarence Thomas should by lynched, Chris Matthews stated that Republicans want to destroy the country, and on and on, and oddly, Obama hasn't uttered one word on all that 'civility' he was talking about a few months ago. Then there's Obama's gaffes, which, when Bush, Bachman, or Palin made similar, were headline news, whereas you'd be lucky to even hear a mention about Obama's (Corpsmen being refered to as 'corpsemen' multiple times, saying the US was founded 20 centuries ago, visiting 57 states...all Bush had to do was say 'nuclear' wrong and people went crazy.) This list can go on and, what gives?

In MapleStory I finished 'Hughes's weird Invention' + got the oxygen tank + equipped it, but is wont work HELP

I have tried everything I can think of, including logging off and on again. any istance would be nice! HELP ME PLEASE!

Can you help me with a debate? Proposition: The Olympics is a waste of money. I'm against the proposition.?

I'm doing a debate in cl and me and my partner are AGAINST the proposition " The Olympics are a waste of money " can you guys please help me prove that the Olympics isn't a waste of money ? Thank you :)

Question concerning Zodiac Killer's "Daughter"?

never heard anymore guess she did not come up to scrutiny. maybe the gles she said she had from one of the victims didnt tally.

Bank question real simple to answer! Help though?

When you deposited your money in each account, they should have given you a statement showing your deposit, the account number and whether it was checking or savings. If you ask they will also write down your actual balance for you. This way you have proof of your deposits should there be any question later on.

How should I have reacted to this? ?

Wow, thats a tough one. I guess you could tell him that you feel sorry for him but that's what he gets for treating girls like that. Tell him you are sorry he got hurt but he should expect that kind of reaction if he does that to a girl without thier permission. Hope this helps

How, exactly, does gay marriage undermine your family?

Christians constantly claim that gay marriage undermines their family values somehow. I don't get it. How do two guys getting married hurt *your* marriage? Don't more committed, loving married couples strengthen the institution for all of us? I think the current American hatred, oppression, and prejudice against gays makes no logical sense.

Why did the pentagon lose over 150 billion dollars some were in Iraq?

They say they were understaffed because of Bushes policys.This was only mentioned once on the situation room today because of the many other scandels toward the republicans today but thats alot of money to lose , anyone care to comment?

What are the best soccer cleats for midfielders?

I usually play right midfield and left sometimes but im looking for a nice cleat for a lot of running up and down the field and good for ball control and crossing. I also want them to be pretty durable so i can practice a lot with them and theyll last long.

What do you think of this paragraph?

Tell me what you think of this kinda long paragraph.. Also what do you think of the prophecy.................... Once upon a time a queen gave birth to three baby girls and one boy. Each baby had an affinity for an element: air, earth, water and fire. The baby’s names started with the first letter of its element. For fire it was Francesca, for air Aaron, Whitney for water and for earth it was Emma. Emma was a special baby Emma had an affinity for ALL the elements even Spirit. One night the angel of death came and told the queen that each baby would die on their 16th birthday. The angel of death explained to the queen that each baby would be reborn by a queen every century then separated. On their 90th birthday their own elements would kill them. The queen who was worried that the babies would’t have their affinities asked the angel of death if they would have their affinity for the elements each life. He answered yes and told the queen a very special prophecy. One baby will become evil and seek to harm the world with fire. Air, water and earth must come in sync and fight the fire. The earth child will have lust, love and desire over air and they will continue the line of elements adding more and different elements never spoken or heard of. One element will be infatuated with a mortal man and start a new type of person called an elemental half child that is half human and half a certain element

How do i get fit for afl football?

im 16 years old and i am going to join AFL football and i need to get fit fast so i can run long distances without getting puffed out fast what do i do?

Living with a girl that's not my girlfriend?

My rule has always been that I don't want my significant other living with another woman unless they are blood related. Sure, it may be platonic and all that. But that's something I don't want to have to worry about.

DOES SHARIA LAW EXIST on Scottish university campuses?

I attended the university of west of scotland in paisley in scotland, and had a problem of groups of muslim males bodily bumping in to me as i ped them on the corridors of the campus, this happened several times...when reported to the tutors and staff i was called a bigot and intolerant ???? Were these individuals not enacting sharia in stopping my safe page along the corridors?

Are Ollies hard for beginners?

I can skateboard but i can't do any trick but i really want 2 and i heard the most beginner is an ollie. I was wondering if they are hard or really easy to learn?

I have acne scars, i want them gone in a few days?

Unfortunately acne scars can take months to fade, sometimes they dont fade at all unless treated by a dermotologist. My best advice is to exfolicate whenever possible. A little face powder might help for your dance. I battle with acne too:(

Idk if I should go to her b-day party or not..?

If you consider her your BFF, then i would make an effort to go. If she starts acting like a brat, leave and if she asks you why, tell her.

Science Questions 7th Grade 10 Points!?

Do your own homework. You're not interested in learning; you just want others to do the work for you. Crack open the book and study!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Does a facility for reason & maturity necessarily mean we should avoid acting on primitive, instinctual urges?

........I understand that killing an opposing threat could be considered instinct, or primal urge. But John Wayne Gacy hunted people in his own species, unprovoked,which I don't consider to be a normal urge, even for animals.... promiscuity, thats a primal urge, and people act upon it though its frowned upon.......I guess it depends on what urges your talking about, but I don't think its a normal primal urge to kill unprovoked......I think we do act on our primal urges but don't realize it.

What will happen if ethanol is heated directly on fire?

Do not do this!!! It is very dangerous. In additon, after the flames die down, a black hole is created that will suck in everything around the fire within 6 feet.

Why did Sarah Palin trademark the term "Sarah Palin" for use in "entertainment services"?

Probably because she is an idiot and finally after two years has learned that she has no place in politics.

Why are rich kids famous when they have never done anything in their life?

i mean like paris hilton, brandon davis, nichole richie, you know those people. i just don't understand how someone can become famous because their parents are rich? they really haven't done anything with their lives, so why are their names a household name. it sure isn't in my house. my roommate and i both agree that you should do some work before you become famous.

Any printable coupons for AE/Forever 21/Aeropostal/etc?

Does anyone know of any printable ones that are not expired? For hollister, Ae, aeropostale, forever 21, hot topic, anywhere?

How do you measure a corner cabinet? Depth, Width?

measure out from the corner of the wall to where you want the face of the unit to be will say nine inches put a mark go to the other wall measure out nine inches put a mark take the tape measure mark to mark and you will have the face measure of the corner cabinet

Do you think adam samberge from snl is cute or is it just me? rate him?

i don't know what's wrong with me but i like adam samberge a lot but he isn't that cute how would you rate him

Is this a good beginning to a novel?

I'm going to be honest: I understood not a thing. The grammar is quite elementary, and your punctuations and spellings make me cringe.

I need to lose 10 pounds, in like 17 days. [ 10pts BEST answer ]?

For cereal: Eat one bowl of Frosted Mini wheats, sliced peaches, a piece of whole wheat toast with a light margarine. Eat veggies instead of chips, 100 calorie packs, etc. Get Murray's lemon cookies. They are sugar-free and have 2 gr of fat per serving. just don't eat the whole thing.

Easily irritated.....?

it sounds like you like this guy for what you want him to be, not for what he is. A smoker can't quit unless s/he wants to. I quit smoking but if a girl told me she wouldnt date me soley based on that I would run for the hills. I can understand not liking smoking or choosing not to smoke, but to impose your will on someone you claim to love is foolish. That would be like me saying to a girl "I won't date you until you start smoking" or I won't date you until you move out of the city to the woods because car exhaust causes lung cancer. If you cant be with him because he smokes you need to break up. A 4 pack a day smoker is not gonna quit because his whiney girlfriend wants him to. I had a girlfriend who hated me smoking so I hid it from her than one day i realized that it wasnt a healthy relationship and I kicked her to the curb. And the tat thing, its his body, if your that bothered go date some guy who doesnt want zombie tats. You cant just date someone and get pissed at them for being themselves. In closing, Girls that give me **** for smoking or anything else get booted simple as that.

~~~~ extreme hair help needed!!!!~~~?

Depends on how you look, But side bangs would be best . Not everyone looks good in straight bangs but side bangs everyone looks great.

Helping BF Encourage His Son To Eat Healthily?

Another idea would be to involve your bf's son in the cooking. Go out and find a really colorful, fun cooking book for kids. We found one with a star wars theme perfect for young boys. You could plan a family movie day with him on Saturday. Sit down with him and pick out two or three recipes to try. Some of them have broccoli, celery, watermelon etc. (not all the recipes are healthy, but it's a start). Then go get the ingredients and on Sunday the three of you make the recipes and snack on them while you watch the star wars movies! If you get him interested in cooking, that is one way for him to begin to appreciate the flavors and taste of healthier foods. Plus it is a great way to bond as a family.

17 year old cannot afford citizenship;no resources;has lived here most of her life;desperate need for advice?

Your fine, how long is your green card say until it expires? Take it easy, u arent going to get deported.

What is a personal statement?

The way I take it, She wants you to write a mission statement about yourself. Broad statements that should always remain true. For example, I have always found writing to be enjoyable. I have thought from time to time that writing a good story is like telling a good lie, mess one point up and the hole thing unravels. I feel people benefit greatly from the sharing of creative thought. I hope to continuously hone this interest. I enjoy being a member of this community. Well, anyway, I'll shut up now. Good luck.

Would an "English Only" Voter initiative p with more or less than 61% in Arizona as it did in California?

Overcoming huge opposition, Proposition 227, the "English for the Children" initiative, won a landslide 61% victory at the polls. The measure dismantling California's 30-year-old system of bilingual education for limited English children had consistently demonstrated widespread public appeal during its yearlong campaign, and was able to sustain that support against powerful political opposition by election day..

Rate my fantasy baseball from 1-10(4teams) and tell me how to make it better (like trades, adds, drops, etc.)?

its a 4 team league every team is great...I'd say you lack speed in your starters but your bench is full of it...try to get Soriano or Crawford to start to make up for it

Help with finding song?

What is that one song that goes "though i walk through the valley of" i think its brother lynch?

How can I get rid of my chubby thighs, fat calfs, mive stomach, huge arms?

Hi, I am a 13 year old girl. I weigh 62.5kgs (137.5 lbs). That is big I know. What I want to weigh is about 41kgs (90 lbs). I eat healthy. I excersise. I do strength workouts. But still I find that I cannot lose the weight. I do 9 hours a week of gymnastics, I'm the biggest in the team and I'm really trying to get rid off these excess kilograms. One of my main problems is that I cannot control my eating. I wake up and I eat 2 weet bix with milk and sugar. I keep saying to myself, I'm gonna eat my weetbix tomorrow morning with no sugar, but then when I wake up I find myself putting buckets (not literally) of sugar on. I finish my breakfast, I go to the cupboard and I get an orange. I eat about 3 of those. Then I eat about 3-5 carrots. Lunch time comes, I eat about 2-3 servings. I eat heaps until tea comes when I eat about 2-3 servings. I make dessert (peaches and yoghurt), and I put the most of the tin in my bowl. I keep trying to lose the weight but I just can't stop myself from eating. My mum yells at me for eating all the bread. I am embarrased about my weight and don't want to tell mum about how much I weigh. Today she wanted me to check my B.M.I. but I had to lie to her and tell her that I already had. I really have to lose these kgs fast else she's gonna find out sooner or later how much I weigh!! Please help!!

I cut myself and i lost my cell?

Ok...parents are all types and your maybe suck and that's a bummer,but you have to stop your self abuse.YES i say you need to go to your school counselor and ask for help and tell them not to tell your family.Yu really need to stop that and realize your too important to do that to yourself even though you may not think it right now from being hurt maybe by parents.Your better then that so please go ask help where you can and be better ok.When life is at bottoms,and I have been there there's only 1 way to go.UP....Good luck to you!!!

What do you think of these names?

So, my husband and i have been contemplating for a long time, and we have finally come to a decision, if its a girl the name is going to be Sophie and if its a boy it is going to be Oliver, and many people have said that if we are naming him Oliver to call him Oliver and not Ollie and i agree. So what do you think? Oh and the new baby will be joined by big brother Max:]

I'm looking for some mexican boots?

they are alligator skin like a yellow color and has a very long pointed toe on them..or something like this..i dont wanna pay 300 or more dollars for them..can you give me some websites to buy this item..i really dont have if i buy fake ones as long as they look good and are something like the hornback

Myspace Question!!! Help!!!?

Is there a Myspace code for a litttle dance thing?? Like the size of the trademark thing. Does that exist? Or anything like it? Like a pointe shoe or something? Any help is good help!!!

Is it okay or illegal to ask someone to use English insteAd on Spanish?

I work at a job were the majority is African-American and they ask me was it fair that they be allowed to speak Spanish and we not understand and we speak English and they understand find e. So can we ask that when they are at waork to use English only and when they are on break they can use whatever out of fairness to there co workers.

How to mix my own Joker makeup?

take lots of baby powder, and a little cornstarch and mix it into a cup of petrolium jelly. then just mix it well and apply it all over you face. and then apply the rest of the makeup stuff you had planned

NFL International Series @ Wembley: What shall I wear?

Wear it, be a fan of the team you like, you cant pick what teams get to play there every year so show them who you root for, but enjoy the game for what it is, good to see fans from other countries that enjoy our game also. I wear my Steelers jerseys to every Broncos game I went to no matter who they were playing because I dont live anywhere near the Pittsburgh area. 99 percent of the other fans are usually cool with it.

Really odd period cycle.?

It sounds as if you had a "brown period". It's quite normal and occurs when your lady bits get rid of old blood after a period. Your cycle changed and it was more than likely due to a hormonal imbalance because you recently started over on the pill. It is nothing to be alarmed about, however, to ease your mind or if you want a more detailed answer from a professional try a health blog like the one on or see a doctor.

I want to buy a new graphics card for my computer but I don't know which one to buy. What would you recommend?

well that depends on how much ur going to spend , lets say ur spending limit is 150 go with evga 8600gt it supports dirextx 10. and if if ur limite is over 2 hundred bucks go with evga 8800 any type will work awsome with ur pc. go to for all the greatest deals. or if u can spend a little bit more you can buy ur self the best graphics card around evga 9600 dual graphics card..

Chevy Astro Windown problem?

the wiring for that side is in back of the kick panel on the penger side, look to see that the connection hasn't come apart, also look that the wires haven't been pinched where they come out of the kick panel and into the door, the problem has to be in that area someplace if neither the drivers side switch or penger side switch won't operate the window or door lock. Make sure you don't have the safety lock switch in the on position on your drivers side switch panel if it has it.

Friday, August 12, 2011

I need labels that are preprinted with the word tester?

I don't want to order them on the internet cause then i have to pay for shipping like any stores staples or wal mart but i can't find them on the websites? they just need to look professional.

Guys When you are ually attracted to a girl is that all or could it be more?

ok so i didnt read the whole thing but, when im ually attracted to a girl i usually try to maintain a long relation ship to stay with her. that prob sounds bad, but when i am attracted like that i usually try to stay with them and when i get that feeling it usually is more than just a uall attraction. but by the sounds of it this guy just wants some a*s

Should I get the Swine Flu Vaccine?

they are having the swine flu vaccination at my school and I don't know if I should get it. Should I get the shot? Is it safe? I've never had a flu shot before (I never got the flu) and I don't know if I should get the shot.

Is it possible to turbo charge my car?

You can turbocharge anything but dont expect your engine to last long. Then use that as an excuse to buy an H22 from and later model prelude with 190hp stock!! Hmmm... Come to think of it that turbo will cost just as much as that H22 and you still wont have as much HP as a stock H22 just a thought....

How do i make sure only i can cash or deposit a check?

If it's made out to you, and you signed it then you should be able to deposit it into your account. If you owe your Dad money, or this money is due to you wrecking a car that he paid for, etc. then you should give it to him - don't be greedy.

Are you getting tired of the debate?

To me, a debate is a mean to find truth. If truth is not the objective, just leave it all together. It's a complete waste of time. Like answering a troll on YA.

Need help getting rid of boils permanantly if possible?

My doctor diagnosed me with something i can't pronounce and said it was hereditary and i will get them all the time.I pay cash to see my dr. and i know from testing i am not a diabetic.but i might have a week immune system and be stressed. I dont want to live with this for the rest of my life, its been a year dealing with this already. antibiotics only gets rid of it for a few weeks&thats it.getting them lanced will be 2 expensive.I have gotten them between my inner thighs,under both arms,&now under my .i use antibiotic soap&am about 2 start a diet 2 lose wieght.I also got one in between my luv handles on the side of my stomach they all leave scars&im guessing it will jus get worse&i wont want 2 look at my body again.its affecting me working because of the pain.2or3 of these at the same time is really depressing me. please help me.

If there happens to be a war, and we get drafted, and you face....?

I don't t think I could go to war. I mean even a jew they are still somewhat human and have children, a wife, family and I can't take that away from them you know. I would just feel so terrible and wouldnt be able to live with myself.

What's the difference between expensive straighteners and walmart brand?

Okay so I have a wal-mart brand straightener about $30. I have thin but puffy hair and the straightener does a pretty good job but I was wondering if theres another brand that does better. I've heard of chi but does it really work that well?

Is this poem ok it's look like it not?

this poem is about fractions and this is my math out put........ their many kinds of fractions improper,proper,mixed,similar,dissimilar fractions you can add them subtract them divide them multiply them and if you think there are hard to solve well, they are so fun....

Will Rosie Huntington-Whiteley be playing Mikaela, or a whole new character to the movies?

I know she's the new lead actress, and I know that they aren't dumb enough to switch actresses for the same part in a very successful movie franchise. So, will she be playing a whole new character or not?

Who was the last person you hit non-agressively?

Also my Brother, in a friendly sort of way, we had bet on the football game, and he won, I paid up but also gave him a loving smack...(*_*)

So poland does get u.s. missiles . so is it now ok for Iran and Syria, to get russian advance missiles ?

Sure, the Russians have been giving the Syrians their "latest" air defense systems for years. These systems make good targets for the Israelis. As for the Russian Navy, the only way they're getting to the Eastern Mediterranean is if somebody tows them.

Why do people say the Herbert Hoover did nothing about the Depression?

What you do not hear about is how he was also trying to approach the depression as a global event. His focus was at home, but he understood that righting one ship would only be temporary. This was worldwide, and not limited to us. As a matter of fact, once he was out of office, he spent time travelling the world trying to help other nations overcome the crisis.

Other Guy and His Friends Dangerous to Me and My Girlfriend?

Tell your GF exactly how you feel and that you really care about her and possibly something more serious in the future that you would like to develop.

Do you have a knack for performing pieces you don't like and vice versa?

I do have a knack for playing things I hate. One time during band cl a floutist asked to play a duet with me. I absolutely hated this duet. But not wanting to be rude I played it. After band cl I was told that I was the better one of the 2.

Are Jewish People allowed to eat schnitzel?

I have a project where I have to cook a jewish meal. I am not sure tho. I have asked one of my jewish friends and they eat it but, it contains pork which is against their dietary laws.

Can someone please explain what this feud between Lady R and JD is about?

Lady r stole JD's cookie how the hell are any of us supposed to know the guys a schizophrenic maniac lady r is probably his second or 10th account for all we know.

The Man Who Can't be moved!!!?

The only thing I can tell you is go to where she lives or the area and look for her. Sorry that you're going through this.

Why do you think being the "victim" of bullying has grown "popular"?

These days it seems that every childhood quarrel,disagreement or bit of teasing is considered bullying.Unless it is serious,sustained, or a group ganging up on one child ,involves violence or the like it is not bullying but part of growing up. With minor things the children sort out their differences long before the adults have,if you call that bullying and involve parents and teachers it drags on forever but the children involved have made up and become best friends again. Children are not always nice and can be quite cruel to each other but it is not necessarily bullying .it is just children learning how to cope when things don't always go their way ,how to negotiate and how to resolve differences all skills they will need as adults.

I Injured my Back at work can I get workers comp? And will the company Fire Me for doing this?

You need to file a work comp claim asap, that is the job of the injured worker. Despite what others have said, if you were on the premises you are pretty much covered despite the fact that you were unloading a truck. You cannot be fired for filing a work comp claim, but companies do find other reasons to get rid of an employee with a bad work comp claim. Each state is different in regards to work comp laws, you probably can go to a doctor of you choice, but call your HR to find out. You need to file a claim, the longer you wait, then your adjuster will think you did something else and are trying to get it covered on work comp.

Give me some tips on my fantasy basketball team!?

Every single player you draft is a risk. That's the fun in fantasy sports, you can never guess exactly who is going to have a breakout year, and who is going to break their leg. You have a solid team, just roll with it. Good luck!

Can i use my propane tank and regulator from my grill to run a propane furnace and how long would a 20# last ?

Sure you can ...the only thing you need to do is have your lawyer put me as your sole benificiary to your life insurance do not do this ...there is a reason they have special valves for a pro .. the issue is not the tank ,but the regulator. there is no safety for failure...please please listen and get a pro to do it

What are your thoughts on Global Warming?

People do not under stand nor will they. I tell you the truth and when the time comes you will know what you have read here was the truth. The earth is slowing shifting, that is causing this so call global warming. The earth will continue until it does a full shift. Were there shell be a new north pole and south pole. Our world will change as we know it to day for you will witness it unless you live in a danger zone. Remember it will cause the oceans to cover land that has never been covered up yet new ocean bed some cities will be under water. Which country will be in the deep freeze meaning the new north pole or south pole. Ye need not take my word you will see like ever one else. There is much suffering that is coming upon this earth for ever man women and child.. Set your mind to ever thing that will follow this rotation of the earth, and you will know what is to come . Starvation, earth quakes, wars thru out the world, diseases, total collapse of the economy, world in great depression. Death in the billions to ever man women and child. For the lord say that at his coming that he will cleans the earth of its wickedness and that only one quarter of the worlds population will be left when he comes and that is in less then 27 years, There is well over 6 billion people upon this earth will you be part of this quarter of population that will survive to what is coming. For my self I will be here at the second coming of our lord Jesus Christ. For there shell be many that will be with me .Sorry, but its the truth I lie not.. For this must take place for the lord lies not, for what the lord say must come to p. Many shell parish for they heed not the word of the lord for they prepare not them selves. Thinking for them self that they know better and this becomes there down fall and parish. Amen.

Guys? do you think periods look painfull? or girls are just wimps?

I have a broken rib. It hurts to breathe, cough, sneeze, laugh, move, drive etc. My girlfriend complains more about her periods than I do about an actual injury. I cannot say for certain that my pain is worse, but I strongly suspect that it is.

Will somebody rate my rock deck?

is this YuGio? some of the cards seem familiar. its hard to tell how good a deck will be without actually playing with it a few times. but it looks like your tactic is defensive/trap. it works well against someone that relys mostly on straight attacking, and little spell help. i might suggest you add a couple cards that remove opponents trap/magic cards. harpys feather duster works pretty good when used right. also you might need a little more power on the offensive side. either get power up cards or look for a few more heavy hitters. its been too long since i played that game, so i dont have any examples. just play against a few people so you can find out your weaknesses.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Should i buy revlon colorstay foundation?? Do you know if they're are any printable coupons for it online?

I was thinking about buying it and already posted a question about it but didnt get enough answers so i want some honest review about it and the best brush to apply it. Also if you know of any printable coupons please tell me the link thank you.

Why do many Indians discriminate on skin colour?

I think it has something to do with the caste system. The lighter you are then the wealthier you are.

Is my foundation the right shade?

No that is the right shade for you but they always come out darker than they are supposed to I am very pale and I got the lightest shade and it looks bad.

How did you react when your health teacher in high school showed you the childbirth movie?

i don't remember if i was in middle school or high school i know all the boys in my cl was like ewww but i just couldn't believe it could open up that big, i know if i have a baby in the future they better give me a epidural cause i will be knocking some people down lol

What baby items did you save for your next child?

We saved all of the clothes, a jumperoo, a bouncer, a swing, pak n play, and changing table/dresser...although alot of stuff got thrown out due to a mold outbreak in the closet...

Chem- Finding equalibrium constants. PLEASE HELP?

use an ice table... idk if u learned that yet or if thats what u used but thats pretty much what u need. make sure u balance ur equation too because when u subtract the change in molarity it will be important to know the ratios

Website offering a countdown for desktop that can be customized.?

Someone mentioned a website out there that allows people to put a countdown (I guess it would be like a clock) on their desktop. This countdown can be anything, such as a birthday and lets the user know how many more days/hours etc. to go. I thought the website was, but apparently not. Does anyone know what the website (or any other website like it) is? Thank you.

Why do we get electrocuted in a bathtub?

This week in chemistry we were studying bonds. if you have taken basic chemistry cles, you would know that water is a covalent bond, and does not transfer electricity. i want to know why you would get electrocuted if you dropped a plugged in hair dryer or radio in the bathtub.

Consider a thin cylinder’s shell with radius rand m m (inertia mr^2). Two sides of the surface have differe?

Consider a thin cylinder’s shell with radius rand m m (inertia mr^2). Two sides of the surface have different characteristics. Outer surface of the shell is a conductor with resistivity ρ and thickness δ(δ<

Where can where can I position the crocodile jack if the front or rear tire is flat for ford 1997 mustang?

I checked the under chis of my ford mustang 1997 model but I can't see a good place to position the crocodile jack, if the rear or front tire is flat can you tell me where can I jack my car?

Gold bond/Lotramine Athlete's Foot Powder Swollen Reaction?

I KNOW THIS IS HORRID BuT IT WoRKS Pee on your Infected areas it wILL clear up THe probLem fast without irritation someone suggested it to me i did it once and I never got it again goodluck

When should I move in?

I have been house sitting for relatives for sometime now. They left to go to punta cana weeks ago. On their itinerary it says they should be home already. I have tried calling several of the hotels to see where they were but no luck. There house is hugh and its all stocked up. I figured I would just move in since I have had several parties in it and I'm about to have another. You don't think they would mind do you? I mean we are all family and I was taught sharing is caring.....

What would you do in a situation like this?

I would get out of the house. Once you turn 18 leave. Try to stay at a friends or another family members house. I have been through this once and I hated it. You will get through it. Just stay calm and let it go. Dont talk to anyone in your family and it should go by. Email me if you wanna talk!

Picking your dreams?

iwant to know how to pick your dreamyou want to have, EXAMPLE;i like wrestling how do i have a dream about wrestling

Who thinks house m.d. is the best show?

I love that show. It's the best show on television anymore. House is my favorite character, so, besides him I guess it's Wilson. I can't think of the actor's name at the moment.

Will Eliza Dushku's new series Dollhouse be a success or a failure like Tru Calling?

I'm a fan of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I thought Season 1 of Angel was good. I never got into Firefly. It seems that over the year's, Joss has lost some of his magic and good sense of humour. I really hope that Dollhouse is sucessful and what I'd like. Tru Calling never appealed to me, but with Joss Whedon working with Eliza now, she has a chance at a sucessful show. Keep in mind, Tru Calling was on for awhile, so it wasn't -that- big a failure.

FBI say chris benoit killed his familly i believe them do you?

With modern forensics thay are able to tell in what order each person died . I do believe that this is the case with Benoit; they were able to determine that he 1) strangled his wife, 2) smothered his son and 3) hung himself. There are repoorts that a great deal of metabolic steroids were found in the home. Now, if this man was truly all hopped up on 'roids, then he definately was not in his right mind. Steroids make you EXTREMELY paranoid. It is possible that Benoit thought someone or something was "after" his whole family and that they would all be better off dead. And then again it's just possible that he got really angry all on his own and just snapped. Perhaps they were having some sort of argument and things got WAY out of hand. I heard reports that she was leaving him and suing for may have been one of those "If I can't have you, nobody can" deals....who knows for sure? The toxicology reports aren't back yet so it isn't known yet whether he actually had steroids in his system at the time of the killings or not. Even if he did, that's no excuse...but it may be an explanation. Steroids can really mess with your mind...especially after one has been on them for an extended period of time. If he was using them, what I'd like to know is, how come the WWE didn't know about it and DO SOMETHING to help the guy before this tragedy occurred? Does the WWE not do drug tests on their athletes like every other sport in the world? (with the possible exceptions of badmitton, croquet, and air hockey). He obviously was not acting "right". The whole reason the police went over to the house was because some of his friends (fellow wrestlers) in the WWE were concerned about some very weird text messages he had sent them....something should have been done sooner.

The Industrial revolution?

What were two major feats that made the distribution of the manufactured goods even more widespread during the Industrial Revolution?

Where is the world going next??

We should focus on the Bible and study it. It has life's answers. Jesus said that at the end time of the world there would be a lot of confusion, and I think that the world is really coming to an end. If you look at what Jesus said about the last years of the earth than you'll see that it is closer than you think. And I can't wait until the world ends because Jesus will come again and take us to heaven!

How do we as a moderator change the group settings?

depends on what group settings, and which privileges the owner gave you as moderator. to view your privs, go to members list- located said moderator and click edit below their ID- scroll to bottom next page; green dot you can, red dot you cant.

How do I help this girl who is a missionary?

She will have to want the help but I suppose you could contact the church and see but you will have to be prepared that at first she might not thank you for it...

How to install hydronic systems without the contractor?

i am going to be installing a boiler system but dont want to hire a contractor for thousands $$$. is there a real good book that tells you everything step by step? and how do i get a hold of equipment without going through a contractor? i check ebay a lot but need another source. so if you have answers let me know.

Should I start a MAC collection?

i have never heard of this elf company but i remember when i used to buy the so called cheap products like maybelline, revlon, covergirl, and i like you, also heard so much about mac products but was scared of buying them because i though i was going to be disappointed but when i finally tried it i was in LOVE with Mac, then i understood why it was so great because it lasts a long time and their shadows are flawless! i would recommend finishing whatever you have left of your makeup and buy a couple product from them and see how you like it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Creative sound blaster live 5.1 drivers wont install?

im trying to install the driver and i just gives me this stupid *** error message saying "Setup could not detect any sound blaster live card in your system setup will exit" does it have something to do with the PCI controller driver missing this is starting to piss me off

Was thr UK inspired to become a democracy after WW2?

America has inspired so many nations to become democracies. From nations in Africa, Europe, South America and now the middle east. America is the beacon of freedom. So did we inspire the UK to go from a dictatorship/monarchy to a democracy? I'm just curious. That's all.

Why is it that the Christmas music played at stores is usually just pagan Christmas music?

Perhaps because Christmas is only a hijacked Pagan holiday and has nothing to do with your Jesus, whom, if you had bothered reading your own holy book you would already know, was not born on December 25th. It would be beneficial for you to learn a bit about your own religion.

What am I missing with this trade (10 points)?

I was offered Matt Forte and Wes Welker for Houshmanzadeh and DeAngelo Williams. Seems great for me. This is a NO-PPR league. Standard scoring. My other backs are AP, McGahee, Stewart and Chester Taylor (start 2). My other receivers are Andre Johnson, Cotchery, Curtis and Morgan (start 3). Thanks.

What has happened to the US?

a very wise man knew the source of the problem.....

Can anyone explain my heating system to me.?

Sounds like they have some wires crossed during installation. It should be an easy fix for an experienced tech.

Should there be some government agency that is allowed to override a parent's choice of names for their child?

How is choosing a unique name considered child abuse? Some parents do choose some interesting names, but as an adult you can legally change your name if you wish. I don't think the government should be involved.

Why is michael vick so over rated?

every body is thinking that vick is so good but I think hes the 2nd most over rated player in NFL history right next to brett favre so why does vick get so over rated

Video Converting Software?

try youtube to ipod converter (google search it), it converts AVI, WMV, MP4 but im not sure about HD.

Spanish trouble!!...?

yup. You can do your own homework. That way, you LEARN the lesson, and will do better on your test. if you would like to actually DO it, and then email it to me, I will tell you if you've done it right and what needs correcting. I sometimes even give hints. I don't do your homework. I already ped Spanish 3.

Taking a Poll! Lucky Charms,Froot loops,Frosted flakes,or Trix?

Or would you eat something heathier like Cherrios,Total, Special K,Rasin Bran? And when is the best time to eat a bowl of cereal?


well i think undead sounds better but usually someone gives you a nickname you dont pick it for yourself. my nickname is Taz short for Tasmanian Devil

How i it possible to claim to be a christian, and yet still deny others heathcare based on their income?

How do "christian" conservatives reconcile the fact that as christians they are supoosed to do everything in their power, UNCONDITIONALLY,to help the less fortunate? They are supposed to help th poor REGARDLESS of why the poor are poor, yet they seem to ignore the part of the bible that tells them to do this. All they can focus on is the "prosperity gospel" which grossly taken out of context. Giving health care to all is a right endowed by God. So how can christian conservatives deny others health care? it seems to me they are cherry picking the bible to ignore those pages that might be considered socialistic, despite the fact that its pretty obvious jesus would have been a socialist and wanted us to be socialists. Cognitive dissonance much?

Belong to a group and get mail.?

There are attachments in the mail but am unable to view these. Moderator says I need individual mail. Why and how to get??

Need opinions please U.S. Worker's Case Reveals How Drug Cartels Get Help From This Side of Border?

I worked with her, she was protected by her superiors because of her charms! More drugs ped though El Paso because of demoralized employees and bad management. There was a war, but it was against the people that worked there. Some individuals and even a few managers made single handled efforts to stop drugs. The creation of Homeland Security, doomed this agency and created more layers of worthless bureaucrat's.

Never had acne before and now all of a sudden I'm breaking out all over jaw and neck?

When I was in Aesthetics school, we learned that breakouts around the jaw could mean an infection in the mouth or gums believe it or not. If you aren't getting your teeth checked every six months, schedule an appointment with your dentist. For now though, I would apply benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid to the area and once or twice a week, use a clay mask on the area as well. Three times a day is too much to be washing your face. You need to cleanse, tone, and moisturize just twice a day.

Spanish help please?! Its homework for my spanish cl. Please help :(?

i already did the first part, and about the 2nd one i don't know if you're suppose to use names or what? and about the 3rd one YOU have to answer it since it's personal but you can write it in english and i'll translate it 4 u.

Dating a guy that seems too nice?

Im dating a guy that seems too nice. He buys me food NICE food and never lets me touch my wallet for anything. He carries like a shitload of cash! He holds doors open for me. He overreacted the other day when he thought I was mad at him like worried overly apologizing. He goes pretty out of his way for me to help me like more than a good friend. Now he wants to surprise me with something. I don't know I guess Im not used to guys like that. I don't want flowers! :( I'm scared of romantic things and emotional intimacy. Its not what Im looking for just now. I dont want an actual relationship. Im afraid if he does and I think he likes me A LOT, more than I like him. Basically thats it. I dont know what to do when someone seems infatuated with me. That and I dont trust the motives of his kindness completely because I dont think people are generally that nice. I do like him! Its just u get me? what should I do?

How to tell what pocket bike i have? Is it a blata?

Hi. I have recently bought a pocket bike it has Red fairings with DUCATI stickers on it. i looked them up on google and it came out with chinese made ones (So i think). And i looked at the carburetor and it says DELLORTO and it has these letters SHA1412L does this sound like a blata carburetor? or what kind of pocket bike is this? it also has a CHAMPION spark plug. and it also has a sticker on top that says MADE IN CZECH REPUBLIC. And it also has a B on the steering thing. Please help. I bought this pocket bike for 150$ i looked up blatas on the net and the cheapest one is the Blata 2.5 for 999$ so a thousand dollars. please help and thanks for looking!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I'm furious and I don't know how to approach my husband about this. UGH!! Advice?

Our son is 3.5 years old. My husband is frustrating me SO MUCH, and tonight may has brought me to my boiling point. We have a daughter who is 9 months old. My husband openly favors her, talking sweetly to her and literally turning around and barking an order or even cursing at our son. Every time he does I ask him politely (so we don't appear to fight in front of the kids) not to talk to him like that. BUT... our son has always had some weird behavior quirks like lining up all his toys and other objects and being obsessive about the yarn on his quilt, as well as some other things. He has these total meltdowns over the tiniest things, like his sandwich falling apart. We have to take him in for a behavioral evaluation because he may have something called PDD, which is similar to Autism. Today our son was having a violent, screaming fit, and was wringing his hands over and over, and I called my husband in to see. He came in, looked and yelled, "Yeah! I know my son's a f'ing retard!" hit the door and stormed out. He called my son a retard and my son was RIGHT THERE. yeah, he may be having issues accepting the fact that somethings wrong with our son bu COME ON. I'm so furious I don't even know what to do. I'm afraid if I bring it up right now I'm just going to explode and we'll get into a nasty fight. I'm so pissed. How am I going to approach this when it upsets me so much? I'm literally shaking right now and this happened 2 1/2 hours ago. I can't get over it.

I have had Pityriasis Rosea for almost 4 months now. What should i do?

I would like to suggest to try to get as much information as you could before making up your mind,here �� �� is a very resourceful one.

What to do, are we just hoping it's not over?

I've been with my boyfriend for almost 9 years, I was only 17 when we met, and also had an eating disorder, so I was very slim. We had a wild time at the beginning, and he made me feel amazing. So much so, the eating disorder I had for 8 years began to vanish, as my confidence was sky high thanks to him. although, he cheated on me a few times then, I looked at it as though we were young meeting and took him back. although, I traveled for a long time after to see if we were meant to be, but he came to visit me a lot and we missed each other so much. Then I cheated on him and told him, just so he'd know how much he had hurt me, and he was devastated that he hurt me that much. We were fab again for a very long time and planned to buy a place, he moved in with my family where we began to save for a house. Although, my grandmother ped away just as this happened and I became very depressed. we went to buy a property but I got made redundant from my job just before contracts were to be signed so we couldn't go thru with it. his job prospects in construction are not looking good either, We just don't sleep together anymore. I'd say in the past 14 months we have slept together 8 times? this is VERY unusual for us, he doesn't want to. It's like we're just best friends. I've tried to talk to him, but he doesn't want to listen. I know he's ABLE to do it, but he just doesn't WANT to do it with me. I'm starting to put weight on now and my confidence is shattering. but I love him and he loves me. I know he's not cheating, but to be honest I've no idea if we just love each other as friends and not as a 'couple' anymore. what can I do to try and make things better. i'm very confused. thanks

European period dramas made in the 70's..?

I'm looking for either German, French, Russian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Austrian, Czech or Polish period drama films that were made in the 1970's. There must be many, can you recommend any?

Have you ever been embarred by how someone in your race acted?

ok i gotta admit that if i was in ur shoes i would feel pretty bad in that situation because unfortunately yes all those people in the bank prolly are judging you just because of that guy , but also girl, u shouldnt worry about what other people think, and once they see that ur not all trashy or w/e then mabe they will treat u lik everyone else , but yea I sorta know what ur talkin bout, specially on this site cuz u got alla these hillbilly white people who say the dumbest most ignorant things towards black people and they dont even realize how ignorant they are, it makes other white people like me get mad because i am the total opposite of those hillbilly's but they still sumtimes make others like me look bad, but ik that your situation was much worse than mine, urs was much more serious

Anyone good at english? could someone please help me proof read something i wrote? :D?

Your English is very good, it's not my first tongue either, but I try to speak good English in my own way. Some times you have to speak good English in your own. Of course, it doesn't hurt to follow guidelines and lessons in terms of verbs, proverbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, etc...But, honestly, your English is very good.

How do U deal psychologically with the many scientifically supported environmental threats evidenced recently?

I really enjoyed this question, maybe a new field is branching out for theutic study as it pertains to environmental anxiety. Hey! why not? Many alarmist/extremist think they are qualified in the field. Wouldn't levels reach a crisis situation when it starts affecting normal behavior? I'm asking the professionals on this blog because I really haven't a clue. I'm going to stick my neck out and suggest that normal/average is a figurative term.

Attention Honda Gurus: 1993 Prelude VTEC question?!?

The guy may have lied to you. But to find out for sure take it to your local Honda dealer and have a technician look under the hood for you. They will know better than anyone.

Can anyone find links to these chinese songs?? Please!?

youre onthe right track. i know how hard it can be to find foregn songs especially if you cant read the language. you said the quality of the mp3 sucks when you rip from youtube. you probably have abad ripping program. go to and download a free program called J Toothpaste. its a really simple program that will ask for the Youtube Url, then extract the video file, the mp3 file and some other file that may be useful. just delete what you dont want and keep the mp3. trust me, it works wonders. i just got it the other day so i could get a miriam yeung song.

What's a good, inexpensive hotel in Vancouver BC? 50-70CAD?

Looking for a decent hotel for not too much money in Vancouver for one night preferably one I can book online, that charges around 50-70 CAD per night. Don't need a huge room or anything fancy, but close to down town would be nice.

Statistics Crisis, can anyone help?

I have a Statistics midterm this friday, and I'm so lost in the cl. Does anyone know of any help websites? We are doing really abstract things. CLTs, Density functions, and z alpha.

Fabricated Ahadeeth -:- Warning Muslims{Sunni] About Them.?

Most of hadeethes are heresays made according to the situations and rulers paid dinars/dirhams to many.

Why is the melodic minor scale different ascending and descending???

I've always wondered this. Also if you played it the same when descending (as it is ascending) what would that be?? Besides being wrong :P Is that another scale if you play it like that?? I just think it kinda loses definition of being a scale when its different while descending. Enlighten me :)

How do you get your bestfriend back?

i feel really bad and i was stupid and my other best friened was her enemy and i was being super mean to her bec she was goin out wit a kid i really like and now i feel horrible bec i always thoghut of her as my bestfirend not da other gurl n now i tlked so much shyt about her nad her stupid asz is hanging out wit my other ex-friend wich is a and i fought her n SHE WON n dey woodnt even noe each other if it wasnt 4 me so w.e. n now her stupid az is saying she is a bi too n i feeel really bad n i miss her n we were so much good friends n we did so much shyt together n had so much fun wen we were bestfreiedsn n omg i just want her back ='(

Describe the relationship between chromosomes, genes, alleles and DNA?

Just wandering what the relationship between chromosomes, genes, alleles and DNA are, because the information that i have isn't as clear.

Does anyone have really cute super bowl gift bag ideas?

really! How about beer and hot dogs, leave the cute stuff in the pantry, it's a good day to get drunk and wish your team was in it.

How to determine if a substance is ethanol?

I'm in 8th grade- for science we're doing a project called sludge where each group of two kids is given an "unknown" substance which they have to find everything it is made of. My group separated the liquid from the solids and distilled the liquid so far through boiling it. We discovered that our first liquid had a boiling point of 79 degrees c. Apparently, the only liquid with that boiling point is the alcohol ethanol. However, to get full credit for discovering this, we must list the physical and/or chemical properties of ethanol and verify it. SO... how can I do this? What are ethanol's properties that are testable? (Flammable or not, smell, etc.) ?

How many antichrists do we have here today?

1John 2:18Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. ...22Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist—he denies the Father and the Son. 23No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

What Factors Affect Media Coverage of Distasters?

Economic, political, cultural, geographic and demographic- how did these factors affect media coverage of the 2004 Tsunami and the ociated public response in Australia?

An interesting god question?

how about this! if god is omnipresent (which some book says he is) and god is omnipotent (which that same books says so, sorry can't remember the name, you know the one all about religion and junk??) than if god chose to go to Belgium (and only god knows why anyone would do that) well he would be already there, meaning he was unable to make that decision which means he's not omnipotent, if he choose not to be in Belgium (wise that he is) than he'd truly be omnipotent but not omnipresent! hows is this! or is that book a crock of cr*p and telling lies!!

How old is Hilary Duff?

I was thinking about my favorite celebrities growing up, and one that came into my mind was Hilary Duff. As I was thinking about it, I realized I hadn't heard very much talk about her recently or any activity acting wise from her. So I was wondering, how old is she now anyway?

Arizona's immigration law DOES NOT mirror Federal law, but their politicians keep telling us it does?

They know there are a lot of confused and misinformed people out there, if you repeat a lie over and over, pretty soon they'll believe it's true. Very sad, but true.

Did anyone feel that earthquake here in LA?

i felt the one on sunday; and bout an hour or longer ago i felt the tiniest one, i didn't know it was an earthquake, i thought my arm was shaking(strange random habit).

Can someone help me with this?

i believe the answer is A. what the question is saying is that the null hypothesis significant at alpha = .05 or at 95%, so the only logical answer would be A which is saying that the null hypothesis is also statistically significant at alpha = .1 or at 90% confidence. i hope this makes sense to you. .01 is saying there is a 99% confidence level which is not necessarily true from the information provided.

How Can I best Protect my Home from Vandals?

This morning I awoke, again, to find that hooligans, ruffians, or otherwise disgruntled miscreants have once again posted signs on my home with Unicorn-Lover hate speech and unicorn epithets and drawings of unicorns being disemboweled and sodomized. Every time I call the police, they tell me to remove the yard gnomes and unicorn statues from my yard, but why should I confrm to their fascism? It will take me all morning to remove the sign they hung in my tree that reads "Unicorn F@G!!!" Look I am as much of a proponent of free speech as was Sir Francis Bacon or Sammy Davis Jr, But this is really getting out of pocket. Things have gone awry, and these little run-amuckers should be flogged or cained like they do in Singapore. I have strategically placed steel bear traps in my yard now, so maybe this will be a "dead" issue by morning.

Hi,my petrol strimmer has broken down.It appears to be a fuel problem.The make is dynamac.?

I have checked the filter and fuel lines and they seem to be ok.The bulb for priming the engine is in good nick but when i press it a couple of times it stays hard and will not pump the petrol from the tank to the carb.I have taken the spark plug out and injected a little fuel into the engine and it fires up first time.I am now at a loss as to what to do next.Hope someone out there can help.Thanks in anticipation.Dave.

There is this guy I like?

Heyi think you should go for it.... I am a nerd and my bf loves me for who i am. You never know what you might get out of it. Dont listen to your friends they dont know what makes you happy. Don't be afraid just walk up to him and say hey i think you are cool we should hang out sometime...If he is a comic book nerd contact me and I will help you out some more.

How early should we arrive for Shakespeare in Park in Kansas City?

How early do you need to stake out a spot at the KC Shakespeare in the Park at Southmoreland park? We want to take a picnic and make a night of it, but have kids and can't come too early. Would 7:00 be too late to get a decent seat if the show starts at 8:00?

Fluval Chi 5 Gallon Stocking?

Make sure the tank has been cycled before putting any more fish in their, start with the betta, give it 6 weeks and make sure you dont overfeed as the 6 week period would be when its cycling and then introduce, otocinculus catfish, cherry shrimp, yamato shrimp, apple snails, onion snails, zebra snails. I wouldnt advise any other fish in their being so small, A small shoal of neons probbaly would survive but their isnt enough room for fish like this to swim as they do.

Can someone give me examples of really violent computer games, songs or movies please?

we are the proposition for the debate 'People need protecting from violent lyrics, films and video games' and I am looking for examples of violent songs titles etc. any news reports etc would also be appreciated!

What to do when bad credit is deterring you from getting a job?

It's become a common practice for employers to run credit checks on prospective employees in many states and NM is no exception. So what do you do when you know your credit is bad, you can't fix it because you have no money, you're looking for a job to get money to remedy your financial situation, but no one will give you a job because of your bad credit score!!!!

Call of duty black ops help.!?!?

alright listen all of those other people are dumb , if you have the wii they havent came out with it yet but sooon five will come out there are no other zombie maps yet

Should I still get a tattoo even if there is not much meaning behind it?

One of my best friends has a whole sleeve of Haida animals, it doesn't have any purpose besides being aesthetically pleasing. I don't think tattoos have to have some deeper meaning, you can just like the art.

Is it not being mere superstitious and childish to believe that you burn Allah with the Quran because Jesus?

I don't think anyone actually believes that burning the Quran will 'burn Allah'. Those people are doing it to piss people off, and for no other reason, which is a shame.

Ladies: will you promise me you'll never engage in this hideous fashion trend?

I like legwarmers under cloth boots, but if the boots are like tight leather boots, legwarmers look nice worn over them. The problem here is the UGGS, they are ugly... I can't get over how they became popular.. they define no kind of shape... It annoys me.

Does water boil past 100 degrees?

I'm trying to explain for science why the temperature of the water didn't rise when the water was boiling. Even after 5 minutes, the water still stayed at 98-100 degrees. I'm trying to explain where all this energy is going and I say because all the energy is now trying to convert the water into steam. Plus I'm pretty sure in normal atmospheric pressure the water just won't boil past 100 degrees. But I'm having trouble explaining this as you can see. Can you try and explain this more? I mean in school we are learning about the Three States of Matter and the Particle Theory and i have to write a prac report.

How do average Americans (believer or non-believer) misinterpret God or use improper Sayings or Questions?

You know like "G-d dang" or Questions like "God why did you let this happen?". I don't exactly know but is seems non-believers ask God things or ume things about Him without understanding Him or believers misunderstanding Him and doing the same things non-believers would do. What are some things that believers or non-believers do that shows their misunderstanding of God or improper use of His name?

Monday, August 8, 2011

What's your favorite candy?

em is candy just sweets or does it include chocolate? if it is just sweets the treacle toffee or tablet if it includes chocolate then it has to be munchies

Why is Apple secretly Tracking iPhone owners location?

Marketing purposes - getting the most information about what people use for their phones, how they use it, usage, etc. However, having said that, it still does not make it write for them to be spying on their consumers like that.

Did My Mechanic Rip Me Off?

I wouldn't be calling him MY mechanic any more find a new one, he worked on it but ignorance on his part thinking it wasn't and then it was he should have cut u some slack and not charged u for the whole 650, I don't know may be time for a small claims

Pumpkin breeding?

Pumpkins defective in the synthesis of orange pigment are pure white. You mate a purebreeding white-pumpkin plant with a pure-breeding white-pumpkin plant from a friend’s pumpkin patch. You are surprised to see that all of the F1 pumpkins are orange. When you mate F1 pumpkin plants with each other, you observe the production of 91 orange-pumpkin plants and 69 white-pumpkin plants in the F2. Explain these results and indicate the genotypes of the parental plants, the F1s, the orange F2s, and the white F2s. Be sure to define your symbols.

Why do my rabbits keep dying?

Don`t put it outside! Because when is dark the breeze comes in and it hits the rabbit`s fur. I prefer to but it inside because is warm. Same here I did not know until I called a vet.

Neon tetra has lost his tail & getting stuck to the filter?

get some fish protector 2 help it grow back,and u should trun the filter off.u may have a mean fish thats doing this i had the same thing its normal.if u do trun the filer off u will have 2 clean it more,

Does anyone know any sad songs?

I am supposed to create a "commercial" for a cl about smoking. I need a sad song to fit in with it. Such as like, something about idk people dying or something.. Since im going to put in really gory pics.. I need something slow preferably. Tanx.

Why are liberals/obama fanatics so violent, hate filled, intolerant and greedy?

I'm employed....with a steady income. But yeah...I'll be sure to vote for Obama because he still beats racist bigots, religious wackos, and all the moronic candidates that the useless, obese tea-party morons hype about.

Stop you computer telling website what country you’re in?

How can I stop websites from knowing which country I am using the internet from???? I.e. so I can watch videos on American websites and not get messages like “this video isn’t available for your location/geographic region”

Which Roxy short pants is nicer?

I think the first one is better cause the second one kinda looks like an underwear :D They're both nice, though.. :)

Do insurance companys follow up?

Do insurance companys follow up on repairs or do they send the person a check and leave them alone?Thanks.

Was Michael Jackson a pedophile/child molester or very misunderstood man trying to recapture his lost childhoo?

Both. He was trying to recapture his lost childhood but the methods he used are called child molestation nowadays.

Half - Life Chemistry Questions?

3. A meteorite strikes the earth in Western Wyoming. Chemical ysis shows it contains 44.62 kg of radioactive iron-59. How much of this isotope will remain in the meteorite after 310 days? The half - life is 44.3 day.

Where can i get a study guide for the great gatsby?

Where can i find a list of quotations for the great gatsby with the isbn # 0743273567? The person with the best website recieves 10 points

Primary sources for world war two?

I need four primary sources for a paper entitled ww2 an overview of strategies and ethics. also if you can put it into mla format that would help. I also need to know how to cite speeches.

Have I got a phobia of sharks?

My Dad is in the navy, he has seen many sharks and as a child I was always asking about them. He bought me a shark book as I was fascinated by his tales and was always asking about what he had been up to but when he bought me the book I found that seeing sharks and reading about them really seemed to give me the shakes. I was eight when I got the book. Then he got me a tooth of a shark and I was quite wary of being around it and it's fair to say that it gave me the creeps. But that's not where my phobia started. Ever since I have watched a shark attack on T.V. I have had this terrible phobia, to the point where I refuse to go in deep water. Then I watched Jaws and became absolutely petrified of the fish. Even the word Jaws scares me and writing this is making my fingers tremble. When I was on holiday I thought a plastic cup that kept bobbing up on my back was the predator (and I was in the pool), I couldn't see what was touching me and went straight into panic mode after brushing away the idea it could be something else (like a floater or a ping swimming). I had a panic attack and it's fair to say nearly drowned. When I see pictures of sharks I shake, become breathless and dizzy and in some cases I have broke down in tears. I am really worried because I have to be forced to go into a pool whether on holiday or not and even get worried when I am in the bath or shower. I am in year nine, am I going insane? Or do I have a case of selachophobia, what can I do?