Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How i it possible to claim to be a christian, and yet still deny others heathcare based on their income?

How do "christian" conservatives reconcile the fact that as christians they are supoosed to do everything in their power, UNCONDITIONALLY,to help the less fortunate? They are supposed to help th poor REGARDLESS of why the poor are poor, yet they seem to ignore the part of the bible that tells them to do this. All they can focus on is the "prosperity gospel" which grossly taken out of context. Giving health care to all is a right endowed by God. So how can christian conservatives deny others health care? it seems to me they are cherry picking the bible to ignore those pages that might be considered socialistic, despite the fact that its pretty obvious jesus would have been a socialist and wanted us to be socialists. Cognitive dissonance much?

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