Monday, August 15, 2011

What do you think of Shirley Phelps-Roper and the Westboro "Church"?

I was shocked and saddened coming across the podcast of Hot 99.5 in DC's interview regarding her group's newfound target in the death of Heath Ledger...especially when one pauses to consider that this hate-fueled, vitriol-spilling bigot of a woman decided to air her take on God's opinions just days after our nation celebrated a day of remembrance for one of our finest, Dr. Martin Luther King. A man who had every reason to hate (and yes, was a Christian- and a minister, as Ms. Roper also claims to be) and condemn an entire race for generations of hurt, shame, and bigotry chose instead to reach out to men and women of all races, creeds, and socioeconomic backgrounds to peacefully unite against ignorance, intolerance, and violence. I respect and support the first amendment which allows people like myself to air my views, and, unfortunately, people such as Phelps-Roper- but I stand firm in this ertion: whether you call yourself christian, buddhist, muslim, jew, or any other faith that c

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