Thursday, August 11, 2011

FBI say chris benoit killed his familly i believe them do you?

With modern forensics thay are able to tell in what order each person died . I do believe that this is the case with Benoit; they were able to determine that he 1) strangled his wife, 2) smothered his son and 3) hung himself. There are repoorts that a great deal of metabolic steroids were found in the home. Now, if this man was truly all hopped up on 'roids, then he definately was not in his right mind. Steroids make you EXTREMELY paranoid. It is possible that Benoit thought someone or something was "after" his whole family and that they would all be better off dead. And then again it's just possible that he got really angry all on his own and just snapped. Perhaps they were having some sort of argument and things got WAY out of hand. I heard reports that she was leaving him and suing for may have been one of those "If I can't have you, nobody can" deals....who knows for sure? The toxicology reports aren't back yet so it isn't known yet whether he actually had steroids in his system at the time of the killings or not. Even if he did, that's no excuse...but it may be an explanation. Steroids can really mess with your mind...especially after one has been on them for an extended period of time. If he was using them, what I'd like to know is, how come the WWE didn't know about it and DO SOMETHING to help the guy before this tragedy occurred? Does the WWE not do drug tests on their athletes like every other sport in the world? (with the possible exceptions of badmitton, croquet, and air hockey). He obviously was not acting "right". The whole reason the police went over to the house was because some of his friends (fellow wrestlers) in the WWE were concerned about some very weird text messages he had sent them....something should have been done sooner.

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