Saturday, August 13, 2011

Easily irritated.....?

it sounds like you like this guy for what you want him to be, not for what he is. A smoker can't quit unless s/he wants to. I quit smoking but if a girl told me she wouldnt date me soley based on that I would run for the hills. I can understand not liking smoking or choosing not to smoke, but to impose your will on someone you claim to love is foolish. That would be like me saying to a girl "I won't date you until you start smoking" or I won't date you until you move out of the city to the woods because car exhaust causes lung cancer. If you cant be with him because he smokes you need to break up. A 4 pack a day smoker is not gonna quit because his whiney girlfriend wants him to. I had a girlfriend who hated me smoking so I hid it from her than one day i realized that it wasnt a healthy relationship and I kicked her to the curb. And the tat thing, its his body, if your that bothered go date some guy who doesnt want zombie tats. You cant just date someone and get pissed at them for being themselves. In closing, Girls that give me **** for smoking or anything else get booted simple as that.

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