Friday, August 12, 2011

Need help getting rid of boils permanantly if possible?

My doctor diagnosed me with something i can't pronounce and said it was hereditary and i will get them all the time.I pay cash to see my dr. and i know from testing i am not a diabetic.but i might have a week immune system and be stressed. I dont want to live with this for the rest of my life, its been a year dealing with this already. antibiotics only gets rid of it for a few weeks&thats it.getting them lanced will be 2 expensive.I have gotten them between my inner thighs,under both arms,&now under my .i use antibiotic soap&am about 2 start a diet 2 lose wieght.I also got one in between my luv handles on the side of my stomach they all leave scars&im guessing it will jus get worse&i wont want 2 look at my body again.its affecting me working because of the pain.2or3 of these at the same time is really depressing me. please help me.

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