Friday, August 12, 2011

What are your thoughts on Global Warming?

People do not under stand nor will they. I tell you the truth and when the time comes you will know what you have read here was the truth. The earth is slowing shifting, that is causing this so call global warming. The earth will continue until it does a full shift. Were there shell be a new north pole and south pole. Our world will change as we know it to day for you will witness it unless you live in a danger zone. Remember it will cause the oceans to cover land that has never been covered up yet new ocean bed some cities will be under water. Which country will be in the deep freeze meaning the new north pole or south pole. Ye need not take my word you will see like ever one else. There is much suffering that is coming upon this earth for ever man women and child.. Set your mind to ever thing that will follow this rotation of the earth, and you will know what is to come . Starvation, earth quakes, wars thru out the world, diseases, total collapse of the economy, world in great depression. Death in the billions to ever man women and child. For the lord say that at his coming that he will cleans the earth of its wickedness and that only one quarter of the worlds population will be left when he comes and that is in less then 27 years, There is well over 6 billion people upon this earth will you be part of this quarter of population that will survive to what is coming. For my self I will be here at the second coming of our lord Jesus Christ. For there shell be many that will be with me .Sorry, but its the truth I lie not.. For this must take place for the lord lies not, for what the lord say must come to p. Many shell parish for they heed not the word of the lord for they prepare not them selves. Thinking for them self that they know better and this becomes there down fall and parish. Amen.

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