Monday, August 15, 2011

My friend is being kinda annoying?

Ok i seriously like this guy (we call him Lulu) and wenever he runs by us my friend (M&M) says "push to the left" and she pushes me to the left he he is on the left side or "push to the right" if hes on the right side and i tell her to shut up and i push her shoulder as a joke. Today our entire cl had to line up boy-girl and shes all like "look sayu its a spot reserved for u!" literally pointing to were he is. I tell her to shut up and i hide behind one of my friends like always. I tell her to stop cuz it gets annoying after like the 50 billionth time and she knows it annoys me and idk how to stop and she probably knows me better then she knows the back of her hand cuz we have been BFFS since kinder and wenever Mr Flo "saves me" by makin me move away from him shes all like "damn why does mr flo have to save everyone invisible tear." and i just seriously want her to stop and ive asked her hundreds of thousands of time but she just doesnt and it gets seriously annoying. Any advice?

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