Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Anti Semetic vs an anti Israeli government statement what is the difference - Is there a differece ?

This is a very difficult question. The establishment of Israel as a home for the Jewish people is not necessarily supported by all Jews. I myself am a Jew, yet conflicted by some of the policies implanted by the government in Israel. I believe that, while Israel should remain a sort of shelter in the world for the Jews, it should at the same time be open to anyone willing to live peacefully there. Jerusalem is so sacred to so many groups of people, each with their own "evidence" stating that it belongs to them- why should only one group of people have access to this land? We clearly all share a common interest, why not celebrate it as opposed to fighting it? However, my ideas aren't realistic now that such hatred between the conflicting groups has been established. These are just my thoughts on the subject. Therefore, I'd have to say that being against Zionism is not anti-semetic when the context is right: that is, you are against Zionism for reasons other than that it helps to support the Jews.

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