Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How do Catholics reconcile Holy days of obligation with Col 2:13-17?

You are failing to see "the bigger picture" in "PaulCyp"'s answer in your parroting Biblical verses to attack Roman Catholicism. Calm down and reread "PaulCyp" 's answer, and realize the historical authenticity of what he says. How can you say "I do not wish to offend Catholics" when your entire question denies the reality of the origin of the Bible being in the hands of the Roman Catholic Church, as "PaulCyp" so clearly points out. As he said, how can the Roman Catholic Church be in "contradiction to Col 2" when it's the Roman Catholic Church that established the Bible and made it "official" in the world back in the late 4th century in Carthage, North Africa? God Bless you.

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