Sunday, August 14, 2011

What do you think of this paragraph?

Tell me what you think of this kinda long paragraph.. Also what do you think of the prophecy.................... Once upon a time a queen gave birth to three baby girls and one boy. Each baby had an affinity for an element: air, earth, water and fire. The baby’s names started with the first letter of its element. For fire it was Francesca, for air Aaron, Whitney for water and for earth it was Emma. Emma was a special baby Emma had an affinity for ALL the elements even Spirit. One night the angel of death came and told the queen that each baby would die on their 16th birthday. The angel of death explained to the queen that each baby would be reborn by a queen every century then separated. On their 90th birthday their own elements would kill them. The queen who was worried that the babies would’t have their affinities asked the angel of death if they would have their affinity for the elements each life. He answered yes and told the queen a very special prophecy. One baby will become evil and seek to harm the world with fire. Air, water and earth must come in sync and fight the fire. The earth child will have lust, love and desire over air and they will continue the line of elements adding more and different elements never spoken or heard of. One element will be infatuated with a mortal man and start a new type of person called an elemental half child that is half human and half a certain element

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