Monday, August 8, 2011

Think I had Miscarriage.....?

Okay Last Thursday I was 19dpo (possibly miscalculated). I tested and got a very faint positive but + nonetheless. I have a cyst on left ovary and see gyn regularly and have an appt for this week so I wasn't worried about calling the doctor as I was already going and would confirm then. It was CD31 and that is long for me although I have a longer and varying luteal phase. Anyways the night of BFP I wouldve been around 3-4 wks, I started having a dark brown spotting and I really thought nothing of it bc I often have that from the cyst. Anyways I got the most agonizing back ache. A spot on the lower right side hurt nonstop and horribly along with abdominal cramps. The next day the blood got heavier and brighter in color. I had really bad bad cramps and terrible headache w/ random thigh cramps nausea and I threw up once. My temp was normal but I was having hotflashes from hell and I am usually cold natured. Anyways sorry if TMI but I am freaking out, this is what I experienced when going to the bathroom this weekend: Thick mucous-y stringy blood thing like slowly sliding out when sitting on toilet. Feeling of lots of blood "falling" out of vag and had lots of tiny blood clots, and only once when I wiped there was a really small dark gray bean looking thing. It was like smaller than a pea and had bloody stringys too. I was EXTREMELY emotional over the weekend and slept about 30 out of he 48 hours of Fri & Sat. Noone knew about BFP,

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